Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration

4 years

BBA-Tribhuvan University is one of the most sought management degrees in Nepal. Currently, 50+ Business School offers a BBA program in affiliation with Tribhuvan University in Nepal. It is a 120 credit hours course and the fee of it ranges from 3.5 Lakhs to 9.5 lakhs.

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To study BBA at Tribhuvan University, students must pass the CMAT exam, and to get scholarships, you have to secure competitive marks. You can prepare for CMAT by enrolling yourself in CMAT Preparation class run by Edusanjal. 

Prepare CMAT Now

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) aims at educating students and preparing them for handling managerial positions to start a professional career in business or public management. It will enable them to take over responsible positions in domestic and global business organizations with modern impersonal skills and technical know-how of the recent trends in global business.

It is designed to provide students with a better and broader perspective of the world, society, business, and life by combining the study of social sciences and humanities with the study of business and management. The curriculum is built on four targeted learning competencies for starting a career in management and pursuing advanced management knowledge.

This BBA program will develop positive attitudes, abilities, and practical skills that are needed for a competent and responsible manager, and the program will work as a foundation for master's studies in management. Currently, 48+ Business School offers BBA program in affiliation with Tribhuvan University in Nepal.

Objectives of BBA program of Tribhuvan University

  • Prepare students to take up middle-level managerial positions in the business sector.
  • Develop students' skills in object-oriented business management capable of understanding and solving practical business problems creatively.
  • Provide professional management education with a blend of computer and management information system courses.
  • Prepare students to proceed onto postgraduate level study in business administration.

Teaching Pedagogy

The general teaching pedagogy of BBA at Tribhuvan University and affiliated colleges includes class lectures, group discussions, case studies, guest lectures, role play, research work, project work (individual and group), assignments (theoretical and practical), and term papers. The teaching faculty will determine the choice of teaching pedagogy as per the need of the course. The concerned faculty shall develop a detailed course outline and work plan at the beginning of each semester and also recommends the basic text and other reference materials for effective teaching-learning of the course modules.

Salient Features

Seminar and Practicum

Seminar and Practicum may conduct in accordance with guidelines and evaluation criteria strictly follow as per direction mentioned in guidelines.


In the final semester, students shall be attached to organizations where they have to work for a period of eight weeks. Each student shall prepare an individual project report in the prescribed format based on his / her work in the respective organization assigned to him/her. Evaluation of the internship shall be based on the confidential report by the organization, project report, and presentation of the report. The report must be submitted by the end of the eighth semester. Students must secure a minimum grade of "C" in the internship. The internship carries a weight equivalent to 6 credit hours.

Examination Evaluation and Grading System

The BBA program will be executed through the semester system. The regular program shall be completed in eight semesters. The internal (ongoing) evaluation and the external (end of the semester) examination shall carry 40 percent and 60 percent weightage respectively. The semester examinations shall be conducted by FOM. The final grade of the student shall be determined by the overall performance in the internal and external examinations.

Passing Grade and Grading System

The final evaluation of students is done through the examination conducted by Tribhuvan University. Students must secure a minimum grade ‘B’ or Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 in the internal evaluation in order to qualify to appear in the semester examination.

In order to pass the semester examination, the student must secure a minimum of grade ‘B’ or the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00. The grading system shall be as follows:

Letter Grade Cumulative Grade
Point Average
Marks Obtained in
Divisions / Remarks
A 4 90 - 100 Distinction
A- 3.70 - 3.99 80 - 89.9 Very Good
B+ 3.30 - 3.69 70 - 79.9 First Division
B 3.00 - 3.299 60 -69.9 Second Division
B- 2.70 - 2.99 50 - 59.9 Pass in Individual Subject
F Below 2.70 Below 50 Fail

MakeUp/Retake Exam

Make-up/Retake examination shall be conducted as per the semester guideline.


Students are required to attend regularly all theory and practical classes, assignments, study tours, field trips, seminars, and presentations as required by the course. A student is required to attend at least 80 percent of such activities in order to qualify for the semester examination.

Credit Transfers and Withdrawl

The program allows students to transfer the credits earned by them in similar programs of other universities recognized by Tribhuvan University.

A student who has partially completed the BBA program and would like to discontinue his / her studies shall also be allowed to withdraw from the program. In such cases, a certificate specifying the credit earned by the student in the program shall be provided.

Graduation Requirements

The BBA program extends over eight semesters (four academic years). The BBA degree is awarded upon its successful completion of all the following requirements specified by the curriculum.

  • The successful completion of 120 credit hours as prescribed with a minimum of a passing grade in all courses with CGPA of 3.00.
  • A minimum of grade ‘B’ obtained in the Internship.
  • Completion of courses for the fulfillment of the requirements of the BBA program must occur within seven years from the time of registration.


The candidate applying for admission to the BBA program of Tribhuvan University must have:

  1. Minimum D+ grade in each subject of grade 11 and 12 with CGPA 1.80 or more / Secured at least second division in the 10+2, PCL or equivalent program;

  2. Successfully completed twelve-year schooling or its equivalent from any university, board, or institution recognized by Tribhuvan University.
  3. complied with all the application procedures.

Eligible applicants are required to appear in the entrance test commonly known as Central Management Admission Test (CMAT) conducted by the Faculty of Management. The test will follow the international testing pattern and standards. It includes the areas like:

  • Verbal ability
  • Quantitative ability
  • Logical reasoning
  • General awareness

Click here to know details about the CMAT test. 

There shall be altogether one hundred (100) objective questions in the CMAT containing twenty (25) questions in each section with a total weight of 100 marks. Students must secure a minimum of 40% in the CMAT in order to qualify for the interview.

Interview Applicants securing the above cut-off point marks in the CMAT will be short-listed. Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed and selected for admission.

Merit List

Admissions of the students in the BBA program of Tribhuvan University will be strictly on the basis of merit list. Merit list is prepared on the basis of:

  1. 60% of CMAT Entrance examination
  2. 30% of marks secured in percentage in plus two or equivalent
  3. 10% Interview

Admission Criteria

BBA मा प्रत्येक क्याम्पस/ कलेजले तोकिएको संख्यामा प्रति सेक्सन विद्यार्थी भर्ना गर्दै आएकोमा प्रवेश परीक्षा (CMAT) मा सम्मिलित भई भर्नाका लागि योग्य ठहरिएका विद्यार्थीहरुबाट अनिवार्य रुपमा आवेदन आव्हान गरि प्रति सेक्सन २ (दुई) जना विद्यार्थीहरुलाई क्याम्पस/कलेजले उठाउने कूल रकम (Total Amount) बाट पचास प्रतिशत छात्रवृत्ति उपलब्ध गराउनु पर्ने छ । छात्रवृत्ति कोटामा विद्यार्थी भर्ना देहायको प्राथमिकता क्रमको आधारमा योग्यताक्रम अनुसार छनौट गर्नु पर्नेछ ः–

क) नेपालका सामुदायिक मा.वि. बाट प्रवेशिका र सामुदायिक उच्च मा.वि. बाट दश जोड दुई परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

ख) नेपालको सामुदायिक उच्च मा.वि. बाट दश जोड दुई परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

ग) नेपालका सामुदायिक मा.वि. बाट प्रवेशिका परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

Job Prospects

The BBA degree is one of the undergraduate courses of study which develops the students' intellectual ability, managerial skills, executive personality. BBA degree is a four years full-time course and there is immense career prospect for the BBA graduates. You can either opt for MBA after completing a bachelor or you can choose a career path in various sectors. The BBA graduates can have job opportunities in the following sectors and many more:

  • Finance sector
  • Advertising
  • Consumer companies
  • IT firms
  • Marketing
  • Legal firms
  • International Business Management
  • Real estate
  • Human resource management
  • Tourism Management
  • Consultancy services etc.

Curricular Structure

Curriculum of BBA Program of Tribhuvan University:

Download Course Syllabus of BBA

  1. BBA 1st Semester Syllabus.pdf
  2. BBA 2nd Semester Syllabus.pdf
  3. BBA 3rd Semester Syllabus.pdf
  4. BBA 4th Semester Syllabus.pdf

Model Questions:

Model Questions BBA and BIM Third semester IT Subjects.pdf

Model Questions for BBA, BIM, BBM Third Semester Business Statistics.pdf

Model Question BBA, BIM 4th Semester Cost and Management Accounting.pdf

BBA and BIM First Semeter Model Questions of Computer System, IT Application etc.pdf

NOTES (Please use as a reference material only and read text books)

BBA Second Semester: Human Resource Management

Curricular Structure

The BBA program requires the students to study a total of 120 credit hours. The curricular structure of the program comprises the following four separate course components.

1 Management and Allied Courses 84 Credit Hours
2 Computer Related Courses 12 Credit Hours
3 Specialization Area Course 18 Credit Hours
4 Summer Project 03 Credit Hours
5 Internship 03 Credit Hours
  Total 120 Credit Hours

Course Composition


Business Foundation Courses: Credit Hours
ENG 201 English -I 3
ENG 202 English- II 3
ENG 203 Business Communication 3
ECO 203 Micro Economics for Business 3
ECO 204 Macro Economics for Business 2
ECO 205 Seminar on Contemporary Issue of Macro Economics 1
MTH 201 Business Mathematics I 3
MTH 202 Business Mathematics II 3
PSY 202 Psychology 3
STT 201 Business Statistics 3
SOC 203 Sociology for Business Management 3
SOC 204 Nepalese History and Politics 3
MGT 231 Foundation of Business Management 3
MGT 232 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 2
MGT 233 Seminar in Leadership and Organization Behavior 1
MGT 234 Legal Environment for Business in Nepal 3
MGT 205 Operations Management 3
MGT 236 Business Environment 3
MGT 240 Strategic Management 3
MGT 239 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 3
MGT 237 Entrepreneurship & Business Resource Mapping 2
MGT 238 Practicum on Business Plan 1
ACC 201 Financial Accounting 3
ACC 202 Cost and Management Accounting 3
ACC 204 Taxation and Auditing 3
FIN 206 Fundamentals of Finance 3
FIN 208 Financial Markets and Services 3
MKT 201 Fundamentals of Marketing 3
FIN 207 Financial Management 3
RCH 201 Business Research Methods 3
Computer Related Courses  
IT 231 IT and Applications 3
IT 232 Database Management 3
IT 233 Business Information System 3
IT 204 E-Commerce 3
Specialization Area Courses (any Six Courses)  
Banking and Finance  
BNK 202 Financial Derivatives 3
BNK 203 Working Capital Management 3
BNK 204 Investment Analysis 3
BNK 206 Commercial Banks Management 3
BNK 208 Microfinance Management 3
BNK 209 Insurance and Risk Management 3
BNK 210 Fundamentals of Cooperative Management 3
BNK 221 Corporate Financing Decision 3
Industry and Services Management  
ISM 202 Productivity Management 3
ISM204 Project Management 3
ISM 205 Supply Chain Management 3
ISM 206 Service Operations and Management 3
ISM 208 Industrial Relations 3
ISM 209 Total Quality Management 3
ISM 210 Creativity and Innovation Management 3
ISM 211 Employability skills Management 3
Micro-Enterprise Management  
MEM 201 Management of Micro Enterprise 3
MEM 202 Business Plan for Micro Enterprise 3
MEM 203 Micro Finance 3
MEM 204 Cooperative Management 3
MEM 205 Social Entrepreneurship 3
MEM 207 Project Planning & Entrepreneurial Marketing 3
MEM 208 Micro Insurance 3
Sales and Marketing Management  
MKM 201 Consumer Behavior 3
MKM 203 Fundamentals of Selling 3
MKM 204 Services Marketing 3
MKM 206 Distribution Management 3
MKM 208 Public Relations and Media Management 3
MKM 209 Retail Marketing 3
MKM 210 Marketing Research 3
MKM 211 Internet Marketing 3
MKM 212 Branding 3
MKT 217 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
MKM 213 Sales Management 3
Account Specialization  
ACS 201 Taxation in Nepal 3
ACS 202 Accounting for Banking 3
ACS 203 Corporate Accounting 3
ACS 204 Budgeting 3
ACS 205 Corporate Auditing 3
ACS 206 Accounting for Business 3
ACS 207 Accounting for Insurance 3
ACS 208 Accounting for Financial Analysis 3
PRJ 350 Summer Project 3
MGT 350 Internship 3

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) COURSE CYCLE

First Semester

Course Code



ENG 201

English - I

3 Credit Hours

MGT 231

Foundation of Business Management

3 Credit Hours

ECO 203

Micro Economics for Business

3 Credit Hours

MTH 201

Business Mathematics - I

3 Credit Hours

IT 231

IT and Applications

3 Credit Hours



15 Credit Hours

Second Semester


Course Code Subject  
ENG 202 English - II 3 Credit Hours
ACC 201 Financial Accounting 3 Credit Hours
ECO 204 Macro Economics for Business 2 Credit Hours
ECO 205 Seminar on Contemporary Issues of Macro Economics 1 Credit Hours
MTH 202 Business Mathematics - II 3 Credit Hours
IT 232 Database Management System 3 Credit Hours
  Total 15 Credit Hours

Third Semester

Course Code Subject  
ENG 203 Business Communication 3 Credit Hours
STT 201 Business Statistics 3 Credit Hours
MGT 232 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 2 Credit Hours
MGT 233 Seminar in Leadership and Organizational Behavior 1 Credit Hours
FIN 206 Fundamentals of Finance 3 Credit Hours
ACC 202 Cost and Management Accounting 3 Credit Hours
  Total 15 Credit Hours

Fourth Semester

Course Code



MGT 234

Legal Environment for Business in Nepal

3 Credit Hours

MGT 235

Human Resource Management and Technology

3 Credit Hours

IT 233

Business Information System

3 Credit Hours

MKT 201

Fundamentals of Marketing

3 Credit Hours

FIN 207

Financial Management

3 Credit Hours



15 Credit Hours

Fifth Semester

Course Code



MGT 236

Business Environment

3 Credit Hours

ACC 235

Taxation and Auditing

3 Credit Hours

MGT 205

Operations Management

3 Credit Hours

SOC 203

Sociology for Business Management

3 Credit Hours

PSY 202


3 Credit Hours



15 Credit Hours

Sixth Semester

Course Code Subject  
RCH 201 Business Research Methods 3 Credit Hours
FIN 208 Financial Markets and Service 3 Credit Hours
SOC 204 Nepalese Society and Politics 3 Credit Hours
MGT 237 Entrepreneurship and Business Resource Mapping 2 Credit Hours
IMGT 238 Practicum on Business Plan 1 Credit Hours
IT 204 E-commerce 3 Credit Hours
  Total 15 Credit Hours

Seventh Semester

Course Code Subject  
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
MGT 239 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 3 Credit Hours
PRJ 350 Summer Project 3 Credit Hours
  Total 15 Credit Hours

Eighth Semester

Course Code Subject  
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
----------- Specialization 3 Credit Hours
MGT 240 Strategic Management 3 Credit Hours
MGT 350 Internship 3 Credit Hours
  Total 15 Credit Hours