GCE A Level Science

GCE A Level Science

A Level Science ·
2 years

GCE A Level is a globally recognized qualification for secondary-level education run by Cambridge International Education (CIE). A variety of 70 subjects are divided into science and non-science. 20+ colleges in Nepal are offering the course, which is equivalent to the two-year intermediate (10+2) level.


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GCE A level is usually studied over two years as an Advanced Subsidiary (AS or A1) level and advanced (A or A2) level. The A-level course is taught in 160 countries.

The University of Cambridge sets the syllabus and examination, and the papers are corrected in the UK by approved markers. Results are published 6 to 7 weeks after the examination in the form of a statement of result, and certificates are normally made available more than six weeks after the issue of the result. 

Some FAQs about GCE A Level Study in Nepal

1. What are GCE A Levels?

The term GCE A Level stands for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level under the University of Cambridge, UK. It is equivalent to the +2 level conducted by NEB or the ISc conducted by TU.

2. How many years does it take to complete an A Level course?

It takes two years to complete an A Level course.

3. What do the terms AS and A2 or A Level mean?

AS stands for Advanced Subsidiary, which is the first year and A2 or A Level is the final year.

4. How does A Level help me in getting College/University admission?

Previously, merit was determined by marks obtained in Board examinations. However, an increasing number of institutions in Nepal and around the world are conducting their own scholastic assessments and, increasingly, admission is getting related to students’ performance in such tests plus their A-Level grades.

6. Which and how many subjects can I take for the GCE A Level ?

There are no fixed combinations of subjects in the GCE A-Level. Nonetheless, entry to some institutions requires a particular combination of subjects. Generally, a minimum of three A-Level subjects is required. Some competent students may elect to do four subjects, or even more.

7. What are the possible subject combinations?

A-Level subjects include but are not limited to

Science Stream

Non-Science Stream

English (GP)









Computer Science






Computer Science

Environmental Management

 Further Maths

Art and Design

Information technology

English Language


Literature in English

Travel and tourism

Note : Changes are possible in the subject combinations on the basis of students’ interests, resources, and relevance.

8. Can I appear in the A Level exam at the end of the first year?

Yes, CIE (Cambridge International Examination) conducts the A Level exam twice a year (after every six months) i.e. May / June session and October / November session.

9. How is the Grading of marks done?

Grade Percentage

A 80% - 100%

B 70% - 79%

C 60% - 69%

D 50% - 59%

E 40 % -49%

U Unmarked i.e. Failure

10. Is the credit transfer possible?

Yes, credits of AS level/A Level are transferred to some Colleges/ Universities abroad.

11. What are the main requirements for studying A Level?

A student needs self-discipline, self-motivation, and management skills. An A-Level student must become less dependent on the teacher and more of an independent learner. The student ought to be prepared to follow the advice of the teacher, to complete the work given by the faculty, and to undertake further reading/ research independently.

12. What is the basic qualification required for studying A Level?

To study A Level, a student must have completed SEE or an equivalent examination.

13. Who conducts the A level exams?

A Level exams are conducted by the University of Cambridge under the supervision of the British Council, Nepal.

14. Is the correction of answer sheets done in Nepal?

No. The answer sheets are sent to the University of Cambridge, UK.

15. How long does it take for the result to be out?

The results of the May/June and the October/November exams come out in the following August and January respectively.

16. Will my qualification help me to undergo higher education in Nepal?

Yes, A Level graduates can pursue higher education in Nepal or any other country of their choice.

17. Can I sit for MBBS and Engineering entrance examinations after completing my A level education?

Yes, you can sit for MBBS and Engineering Entrance Examinations but you should have the required subject combination/s.

18. Will the College provide the needed study materials or books?

Yes the College provides all the books and other study materials required by the students.

19. How do I obtain an equivalence certificate?

In Nepal, the A-Level certificate is equated to the Intermediate qualification, although academically, it is equivalent to the first year of a graduate program here. An equivalence certificate for A-Level is issued from TU.

20. What are the criteria for entry to overseas universities?

This varies from country to country and from institution to institution. Generally, in Britain three A-Level subjects are required. Other material is available online, or at the British Council, or even at the American Centre. From time to time, representatives of overseas colleges and universities visit Nepal and hold talks/seminars in the capital.

An acceptance by an overseas university or college does not guarantee the issuance of a student visa to that country. You need to consult the student visa section of the appropriate Embassy/High Commission to ascertain visa requirements and the timeline involved. For some countries, you need to start the process four months in advance.

21. Can you give me the key facts about GCE A Level in a nutshell?

It is validated by the University of Cambridge, UK, under the supervision of the Cambridge International Examination (CIE) with the coordination of the British Council, Nepal.

The Ministry of Education, Science & Technology maintains law and order in the program in Nepal.

Salient Features

How many subjects are required to continue Bachelor Level study in Nepal?

At least three (3) 'A'- Level subjects are required. For more details consult the Book of Recognition and Equivalence of Educational Qualifications, published by Curriculum Development Centre, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur.

Why should I study A level in lieu of +2?

A Level is internationally recognized; it has a vast range of subject combinations; it has great prospects for studies around the globe.

What about the subject combination in A Level?

Actually, the University of Cambridge never restricts subject choices. One can choose any 3 full credit courses and G.P. So far as Nepal goes, we are obliged to follow T.U. rules/regulations.


What is the basic Qualification required for studying A Level?

To study A Level a student must have completed SEE or an equivalent examination.

Admission Criteria

Complete your application with the following documents:

  • Mark sheet / E-copy of SEE or grade X internal examination.
  • Academic Transcripts of class 10.
  • Transfer Certificate for class 10 or Migration Certificate for the students from boards other than NEB.
  • Complete the application form for the college in which you want to enroll.

Entrance Test:

Students have to sit for the entrance examinations of nearly 2 hours (which may vary among colleges). Questions from Mathematics, Science, and English will be asked in the entrance examination.

After the entrance examination, colleges may take an interview before publishing the final merit list of the students for enrollment.

Job Prospects

Why should I study A Level?

A-Level is internationally recognized by universities and other educational institutions, businesses and industries. A-Level facilitates admission to a good university or college anywhere in the world. It provides students with a positive educational experience that equips them for further study or employment. The course demands understanding and application of principles and concepts, and does not rely on rote learning,

The syllabus and examinations are set by approved persons at the University of Cambridge and the papers are corrected in the UK by approved markers.

What about the scope of A Level?

Since A Level is known as the gold standard, it has a wide scope in all academic fields. Moreover, as the Certificates are awarded by the University of Cambridge, one can find opportunities around the globe. The A level Certificate is the gateway to entry to almost all the Colleges/ Universities of the world.