Nava Jeewan SS/ College

Nava Jeewan SS/ College

Samakhusi Chowk, Kathmandu


Nava Jeewan Secondary School/College is located in Samakhusi Chowk, Ring Road, Kathmandu. With affiliation from NEB it offering +2 program in Science, Management, Law, Humanities and Education. 

The school has a 39 years old history and rebranded in the year 2076 with its logo “Initiate Happiness”. Happiness of each of our stakeholders; students, teachers, parents and community is priority. At Navan Jeewan, a great social atmosphere and optimal educational results go hand in hand. It aims to create a school environment where children learn a lot and enjoy coming to the school. It is therefore achieved with the support of enthusiastic and motivated teaching, administrative and auxiliary staffs. 

As a culture-based school with an international dimension, Nava Jeewan SS/College place great importance on creating the best possible climate to live and work in, creating a homey feeling.

It offers a child friendly, safe and well-organized environment, where children are encouraged to targeted learning in cooperation with their peers. It has been offering diverse programs from preschool to Bachelor’s level. 

Vision and Mission

The motto, “Initiate Happiness”, reflects  understanding and beliefs. The college aim to develop happy, responsible and holistic individual who can integrate the real sense of humanity. It aspires to create a continuous cooperative learning environment for our students to cope with a changing post-modern and globalized society.

Its vision aligns with shifts in modern teaching methodologies, global trends and changed environment, which animates mission.Its mission is to provide high quality education that will inspire students for creativity and continuous improvement; provide meaningful learning experiences in safe student friendly environment; and develop lifelong learners who are socially and globally competent. 

Salient Features

  1. The classrooms are spacious, well-lit, and equipped with a variety of instructional tools that allow students to participate in a variety of activities. Each classroom is set up to meet the needs of the subject matter and is stocked with learning resources that pique students' interest and help them study more effectively.
  2. Counseling is a major disciplinary tool at the school. The school believes in treating children as young adults and listening to them with utmost care and concern.
  3. The school features a Human Resource Development section that engages parents, trains teachers, monitors and assesses personnel, provides feedback, and proposes changes.
  4. For pupils and school employees, the school has a big cafeteria. School lunches are made on site and provide a well-balanced and nutritious diet.
  5. The school offers transportation for pupils by operating its own buses that take kids from various neighborhoods to the school and vice versa.
  6. Drama, dance, and music are given special attention.

Admission Guidelines

Admission is considered on a prescribed Registration form.


For Ten Plus Two Program

Admission is open to students who have completed the SEE or equivalent with a grade of C or higher. Students must take an admission exam, and only those who pass the entrance exam will be able to enroll.


Nava Jeewan provides students with both need-based and merit-based scholarship packages.


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