Ten Plus Two (+2) Education

Ten Plus Two (+2) Education

2 years
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Ten Plus two in Education course is the foundations of education for the teachers at the Lower Secondary Level. It is designed for the purpose of imparting basic understanding and developing several important aspects such as, educational background and its development. The course intends to impart meaning, general views, functions of education, as well as education as a system; it also intends to give general knowledge about prominent educationists, curriculum, educational administration, modern trends in education, guidance and counseling and education aspects in Nepal.

This subject aims to find out interrelated factors involved in an education system of Nepal. It elaborates the meaning, nature, and functions of education to the students who are the ‘would be’ teachers of tomorrow. One understands the meaning, importance and elements of curriculum. It teaches the students the methods, procedures concepts and importance of guidance and counseling which will help them to be a better leader in the future. Education showcases the trends of education and educational administration in our society and relates the historical perspectives of education to it.

There is a misconception that one has to be a teacher if one pursues Education. But it is not true. A student of Education can be a good leader or guide in any sort of organizations. As he possesses the knowledge about the overall national educational status he can work at a policy level in national level organizations. He can work as a senior advisor in various national projects and can make plans and policies of overall national educational system. He can manage the education system from eastern part of the nation to the far-west. Likewise, he can also work in various NGOS and INGOS related to education. Education is a very broad and global phenomenon and limiting education stream to a single profession is a misunderstanding that needs to be elucidated



For students who completed Grade 10 in the academic year 2079 and wish to enroll in Grade 11, the National Curriculum Development and Evaluation Council, in its meeting dated 2079.05.19, decided that students who have completed their Grade 10 studies at the secondary level and wish to continue to Grade 11 must have obtained a minimum average Grade Point (GPA) of 1.6 (one point six) in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) at the end of Grade 10. 

Curricular Structure

Curriculum Development Center has recently unveiled the new curriculum for class 11 and 12. The new curriculum has eliminated the system of particular stream-based education like Ten Plus Two Science, Management, Humanities, and so on.


Regular Class 11 and 12 Courses

Compulsory Subjects

Grade 11

S.N.  Class 11 Subjects and Code
1 Nepali [Nep. 001]
2 English Eng. 003
3 Social Studies and Life Skill [Sol. 005] Or Mathematics [Mat. 007]

Grade 12

S.N. Class 12 Subjects and Codes
1 Nepali [Nep. 002]
2 English [Eng. 004]
3 Social Studies and Life Skill [Sol. 006] Or Mathematics [Mat. 008]

Optional Subjects

Grade 11

S.N. Option I Option II Option III Option IV
1 Physics [Phy. 101] Biology [bio. 201] Chemistry [Che. 301] Mathematics [Mat. 401]
2 Accounting [Acc. 103] Education and Development [Ed. 203] Economics [Eco. 303] Applied mathematics [Ama.403]
3 Rural Development [Rd. 105] Geography [Geo. 205] Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 305] Business Mathematics [Bmt. 405]
4 Jurisprudence and Legal Theories [Jlt. 107] Procedural Law [Prl. 207] Marketing [Mar. 307] Human rights [Hur. 407]
5 Painting [Pai. 111] Sociology [Soc. 211] Gerontology and Care Taking Education [Gct. 309] Library and Information Science [Lis. 409]
6 Child Development and Learning [Cdl. 115] Ayurveda [Ayu. 213] Yoga [yog. 311] Home Science [Hos. 411]
7 Psychology [Psy. 119] Business Studies [Bus. 215] Vocal/Instrumental [Voc. 313] Environment Science [Ens. 413]
8 History [His. 121] Linguistics [Lin. 217] Sewing and Knitting [Sek. 315] General Law [Gel. 415]
9 Gender Studies [Ges. 123] Political Science [Pol. 219] Constitutional Law [Col. 317] Finance [Fin. 417]
10 Hospitality Management [Hom. 125] Philosophy [Phi. 221] Culinary Arts [Cua. 321] Co-operative management [Com. 419]
11 Agronomy [Agr. 127] Population Studies [Pos. 223] Culture [Cul. 323] Buddhist Studies [Bud. 421]
12 Naturopathy [Nat. 129] Horticulture [Hor. 225] Fashion Designing [Fad. 325] Sculpture [Scu. 423]
13 Human Value Education [Hve. 131] Food and Nutrition [Fon. 227] Film and Documentary [Fid. 327] Signing [Sig. 425]
14   Dance [Dan. 229] Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming [Lpf. 329] Computer Science [Com. 427]
15   Computer Science [Com. 231] Nepali [Nep. 331] Sericulture and Beekeeping [Sbk. 429]
16     English [Eng. 333] Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 431]
17     Maithili [Mai. 335] Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 433]
18     Newari [New. 337] Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 435]
19     Hindi [Hin. 339] Internal Decoration [Ind. 437]
20     Chinese Chi. [341] Hotel Management [Hom. 439]
21     German [Jer. 343] Mass Comunication [Mac. 441]
22     Japanese [Jap. 345] Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 443]
23     Korean [Kor. 347] Sports Science [Sps. 445]
24     Urdu [Urd. 349] Social Studies and Life Skills [Sol. 447]
25     Bhojpuri [Bhj. 351]  
26     French [Fre. 353]  
27     Hebrew [Heb. 355]  
28     Arabic [Are. 357]  
29     Sanskrit [San. 359]  
30     Applied Arts [Apa. 361]  

Grade 12

S.N. Option I Option II Option III Option IV
1 Physics [Phy. 102] Biology [bio. 202] Chemistry [Che. 302] Mathematics [Mat. 402]
2 Accounting [Acc. 104] Education and Development [Ed. 204] Economics [Eco. 304] Applied mathematics [Ama.403]
3 Rural Development [Rd. 106] Geography [Geo. 206] Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 306] Business Mathematics [Bmt. 406]
4 Nepalese Legal system [Nls. 110] Procedural Law [Prl. 207] Marketing [Mar. 308] Human rights [Hur. 408]
5 Painting [Pai. 112] Sociology [Soc. 212] Gerontology and Care Taking Education [Gct. 310] Library and Information Science [Lis. 409]
6 Instructional Pedagogy and Evaluation [Ipe. 118] Ayurveda [Ayu. 214] Yoga [yog. 312] Home Science [Hos. 412]
7 Psychology [Psy. 120] Business Studies [Bus. 216] Vocal/Instrumental [Voc. 314] Environment Science [Ens. 413]
8 History [His. 122] Linguistics [Lin. 218] Sewing and Knitting [Sek. 316] General Law [Gel. 416]
9 Gender Studies [Ges. 124] Political Science [Pol. 220] Constitutional Law [Col. 318] Finance [Fin. 417]
10 Hospitality Management [Hom. 126] Philosophy [Phi. 222] Culinary Arts [Cua. 322] Co-operative management [Com. 420]
11 Agronomy [Agr. 128] Population Studies [Pos. 224] Culture [Cul. 324] Buddhist Studies [Bud. 422]
12 Naturopathy [Nat. 129] Horticulture [Hor. 226] Fashion Designing [Fad. 326] Sculpture [Scu. 424]
13 Human Value Education [Hve. 132] Food and Nutrition [Fon. 228] Film and Documentry [Fid. 328] Signing [Sig. 426]
    Dance [Dan. 230] Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming [Lpf. 330] Computer Science [Com. 428]
    Computer Science [Com. 232] Nepali [Nep. 332] Sericulture and Beekeeping [Sbk. 430]
      English [Eng. 334] Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 432]
      Maithili [Mai. 336] Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 434]
      Newari [New. 338] Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 436]
      Hindi [Hin. 340] Internal Decoration [Ind. 437]
      Chinese Chi. [342] Hotel Management [Hom. 440]
      German [Jer. 344] Mass Comunication [Mac. 442]
      Japanese [Jap. 346] Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 444]
      Korean [Kor. 348] Sports Science [Sps. 446]
      Urdu [Urd. 350] Social Studies and Life Skills [Sol. 448]
      Bhojpuri [Bhj. 352]  
      French [Fre. 354]  
      Hebrew [Heb. 356]  
      Arabic [Are. 358]  
      Sanskrit [San. 360]  

Applied Arts [Apa. 362]