Arunima Secondary School

Arunima Secondary School

Bauddha, Kathmandu



Arunima Educational Foundation (AEF) emerged as Arunima Primary School in the year 2042 B.S. (1986 A.D.) under the initiation of a noble team of visionary academicians and social workers with the insight to disseminate value-oriented and life-based quality education founded on humanitarian philosophical poerspectives.Regarding the options offered by the seventh amendment of the Education Act 2028, the foundation was transformed into an educational trust in the year 2059 B.S.

Arunima Educational Foundation is an umbrella organization of Arunima Higher Sec. School, Nava Arunima Secondary School and Arunima Shisu Sadan. The overall management of the foundation is supported by a group of 26 trustees. The Foundation highly values the participation of teachers, parents, students and local communities in school programs and activities.

Contact AddressArunima H S School and College

PO Box: 11598Bauddha,Kumarigal Kathmandu


Arunima College
Arunima College
  • Bauddha, Kathmandu


Mahan Siddhartha School
Mahan Siddhartha School
  • Kumarigal, Chabhil - 7, KathmanduApprox 200m away
Riviera International Academy
Riviera International Academy
  • Maijubahal, Chabahil, KathmanduApprox 500m away
Elixir Academy
Elixir Academy
  • Kumarigal, Kharibot, Chabhil, KathmanduApprox 600m away
Prerana English Boarding School
Prerana English Boarding School
  • Kumarigal, Chabahil, KathmanduApprox 700m away
Mahendra Bauddha Secondary School
Mahendra Bauddha Secondary School
  • Bauddha, KathmanduApprox 800m away