St. Mary's School

St. Mary's School

Jawalakhel, Lalitpur


St. Mary's School  is located at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. It completed more than 50 years of dedicated service to the people of Nepal in the field of Education. Fifty years of commitment to "Education of Girls", walking on the ideals of a great pioneering woman 'Mary Ward' of the 16th century.

Standing the tests of time St. Mary's has emerged as the best educational institution for girls, has earned the respect and honour not only in our country Nepal, but even on an international level.

St. Mary’s High School, is open to girls of all communities, irrespective of status, caste, creed and religion. This school imparts not only academic education to girls, but also helps them to form an integrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and the necessity for honest hard work. This will make them an honor to womanhood and a source of happiness and blessings to all with whom they come in contact.

Salient Features

St. Mary’s High School gives adequate place for Physical training, social and cultural activities and other extracurricular activities in the student’s education to make them disciplined and worthy citizens. Value education, taught to all students, aims at inculcating in them right values and attitudes.

Admission Guidelines

To be admitted to Class One, a girl must be 5 years plus in the current year. On a date fixed by the Principal, Registration forms will be issued on which the date for the Entrance Test will be indicated. With the application form the birth certificate must be produced. The date of birth once entered will not be changed.

No student from another school will be admitted without a Transfer Certificate. She is also required to appear for an Entrance Test.

The final decision with regard to admission rests with the Principal.

Recommendations are NOT Considered and donations NOT ACCEPTED.

The school must receive, one month in advance, a letter notifying discontinuance from Tuition and Bus or fees for both these items will be charged for one full month prior to withdrawal of a student from school.The Transfer Certificate will not be issued until fees, etc. have been paid in full.

The school year begins in April (Baisakh) and ends in March (Chaitra).There will be winter holidays in December/January. Holidays will be given in October/November for Dasain and Diwali.


Name of the Award/Scholarships

Targeted to

Mona Bajracharya Memorial Award

To the best girl of Class 10

Mrs. Beena Amatya Scholarships

These will be given to 4 students

Scouts’ Scholarship

This will be given to 1 students

Chandeshwori Mathema Award

to the best girl of +2

Winefred Memorial Award

To the best girl of class 9

Bimla Naidu Memorial Award

To the best girl in English Language of Class 10

Sajani Shrestha Memorial Award

To the student who makes the most remarkable improvement within the year of Class 6 &7.

Benigna Memorial Award

To the student who exhibits the best social attitude of Class 4 or 5

Barshana Pradhananga Award

To the best girl of Class 8

Bedija Kharel Memorial Award

To the best student in Nepali Language of Class 9


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