Manohar Secondary School is located in Gongabu, Kathmandu and with affiliation from NEB it offers plus two program in Management and Education. Manohar Higher secondary School is only the community educational institution for providing better education for all. It is located at Madevtar ,Gongabu -7,Kathmandu five minutes walk to the north of Samakhusi Chwok of the ring road. This school has supported the students of economically middle and lower class family from different parts of the country for better education.
This school was established in 2019 B.S. At the beginning ,with the effort of some dedicated local people this school was run in a public place called Calcatte Pati for few months. Then it was shifted to the Mahendreswor Temple at Gongabu -7, Baniyatar and in the building of Kanji house in Gongabu in 2028. In this way this school was running like a mobile school until permanent place was not managed.
Finally , this school was shifted to the public house ( sarbajanik pati) in Gongabu 7, where school is running at present, in 2034 B.S. In order to name the school, there held discussion for a long time among the local people and was finally decided "Manohar" after the name of a holy place " Manohar Tirtha" at the confluence of two rivers Bishnumati and Sangla of Gongabu V.D.C .
Still there lay a lot of things to do for the stability of the school. The school had not its own land and building to run classes. But the intellectuals, social workers and devoted people didn't gave up their hope and effort. After the hard work they obtained 2 ropanies and 7 anas land for the school by the recommendation of then V.D.C. chairman.
After the land had been obtained, with the recommendations of Fr. EL Watrine Moderator of G.A.A. a non-government organization, a Canadian educational project had built the first tow story building.After that with the aid of government, INGOs and by the own resources of the school , other buildings had been built. The school now owns four buildings with sufficient rooms to run classes nursery to 12 with sections.
This school was recognized as secondary school by the government in 2052 B.S. and permitted +2 program on management, humanities and education by HSEB in 2066.