Bright Future Secondary School is located at Satdobato, Lalitpur. The School is a community where students, faculty, and staff know each other by their name and where accessibility and responsiveness are regarded as standard operating procedures. Bright Future Schoool has derived its value from the trust of parents, students and its outstanding faculty. Bright Future College is a humble venture of academicians, and educationists aimed at providing good quality education to its students.
Bright Future School not only teaches the students how to make a living but also how to live. The energy has been completely directed towards establishing a center of excellence imparting holistic education at affordable rates. Bright Future Secondary School offers Ten Plus Two programs in Management, Humanities and Education under the affiliation of National Examination Board (NEB).
The mission of Bright Future School is to build competent, socially responsible graduates, managers, educationists, professors, entrepreneurs who can lead, manage and innovate things in the 21st century society.
The Bright Future Secondary School strives to establish an innovative academic institution in the nation to provide quality education in the field of management and education. It is always dedicated to transforms the students into a capable and confident leader with rewarding life.
Merit based scholarships are available for desrving students.