Colleges offering BASW under Tribhuvan University
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work is a four year academic program under Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University. Major aim of this program is to produce generalist social workers to fulfill the need of contemporary Nepal as well as the world. In order to achieve this goal, it offers altogether 8 papers including compulsory field work, research work, academic writing and report writing courses in different semesters.
These courses, apart from core courses of social work, also include various required courses from related disciplines, and some optional courses in the third and fourth year including some specialization courses. In addition, there are few compulsory courses such as Nepali, English, Nepal Studies, and Academic Writing.
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program of Tribhuvan University prepares students for entry-level practice in social work. Social Work is one of the helping professions committed to improving people’s lives. Social workers may assist people in dealing with their relationships, in solving personal and family problems, or in improving the environment in their community. Social workers focus on social problems and the individual difficulties that arise from these social problems. These problems may include domestic violence, child abuse, unemployment, poor or no housing, disability, and serious illness. Most social workers work in organizations or agencies whose missions focus on helping people deal with one of more of these social problems in their lives.
BSW prepare graduates for service in the social work profession and for advanced study in social work and related disciplines.
The overall objective of the courses of bachelor level is to impart up-to-date knowledge of the basic theories and methods of Social Work to the students along with skills developed through intensive field-work. The main objective is to provide general skilled human resources for social work in the context of Nepal. In addition, it also aims to inculcate in the students the spirit of human rights and social justice. Thus, the overall objective of this level is to produce skilled human resource through developing professional skills among the students of this discipline at a par with those of other countries.
In specific the bachelor level Social Work program aims to develop the following:
- Understanding of the basic concepts of social work; principles, methods, and practice.
- Carry out research to identify the problems faced by the community people and possible solutions to those problems.
- Developing ability to identify major social problems in the context they are situated.
- Managing and utilizing the service system to solve the problem among those affected people.
- Developing self-awareness in relation to one's own capability responding to problem situations.
Salient Features
Duration of the Course and Examinations
The duration of the course is of four academic years. There will be a final examination, in each year, at the end of each year. Regularity of the students will be an important and primary criteria to be eligible to appear in the internal as well as final examination.
Evaluation will be on the basis of 30 percent internal and 70 percent external. Forty percent internal evaluation will be done by the Social Work Department/Campus on the basis of the following criteria:
A. Class attendance 5 marks8. Class participation, discussion and presentation 5 marksC. Assignment 10 marksD. Class test (writing) 10 marks
The 70 percent external evaluation will be done by the Dean's office through Controller of Examinations, Tribhuvan University which will be written examination. However, in case of Social Work Practicum and Field Work courses 70 percent external will also be done practically by the department/Campus under the coordination of Department of Social Work TU.
Students seeking admission in Social Work must have secured at least D+ in all subjects in Grade 11 and Grade 12.
passed + 2 or Intermediate or PCL from TU or from any other institution recognized by TU with a minimum of 45% marks.
Admission Criteria
A student holding a higher secondary level degree (+2, PCL or any) in any of the subjects recognized by Tribhuvan University is considered eligible to apply for admission at bachelor level.
An applicant seeking admission to Bachelor in Social Work may appear in an Entrance Examination, if provisioned, of one hour's duration conducted by the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University or managed by Department of Social Work. The students who pass the Entrance Examination, if provisioned, will get an opportunity of getting admission in the campus/college of their choice if possible, otherwise he/she will be assigned to a particular campus/college. The applicant who fails to appear in the Entrance Examination or to obtain a minimum qualifying score will not be given admission.
Admission of the students will be based strictly on the merit list and on the enrollment quota; as per rule of FOHSS, TU, based on approval provided to the Campus/College through Dean's Office. However, Dean's Office in coordination with Department of Social Work may apply any relevant and feasible policy for enrollment in BASW.
Job Prospects
There are many areas in which BSW Graduates get employment. They get job opportunities in government and non-government sector, education sector, social sector (NGOS, INGOS), Media sector.
They can work in different designation in:
- Gov. Org, I/NGOs
- Bank, Commercial Institutions, Corporate Sectors
- Academic Institutions
- Media Sectors, TV, Radio and News Agencies
- Engineering Consultancies
- Research Institutions and consultancies
For the students who wish and pursue their higher studies abroad they will be eligible to get scholarships available in the reputed Universities. They can also apply to get fellowship from renowned scholarship programs; Fullbright (US, AUSAID, Australia), Erasmus Mundus (Europe), DAAD (Germany), ADB for post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.
Curricular Structure
Students are required to take Compulsory English in the first and the third years and Compulsory Nepali in the second year. University offers Alternative English in the second year for International students as an alternative to Compulsory Nepali.
Compulsory Subjects:
First Year |
Second Year |
Third Year |
C.Eng.401 Reading and Writing in English |
C.Nep.402 Compulsory Nepali |
C. Eng.403 Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines |
Alt. Eng. 402 Alternative English |
Curricular Structure of Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW)
First Year
SW 421 Introduction to Social Work
Unit I: Introduction of Social Work
a. Concept of Social Work
- Social Work as an independent discipline
- Social Work as a profession
- Basic elements and goals of social work practice
- Fields of social work practice
- Role of Social Workers
b. Mission of Social Work
- Preventive
- Curative
c. Relationship of social work with other disciplines of social sciences - Sociology, Anthropology, History, Political Sciences, Economics
Unit II: The profession of social work: History, Perspectives, and Methods
a. The emergence of social work as a profession
- Historical antecedents
- Social work practice (academic and professional) in:
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Australia
- India
- Nepal
b. Social work, social systems, and social work perspectives
- Ecosystems perspective
- Four practice systems-Client, Action, Target, and change agent system
- Levels of intervention -Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Level
c. Social Work methodology
- Primary Methods: Casework, Groupwork, Community organization
- Secondary Methods: Social Action, Social Welfare Organization, Social Work Research
d. Social Service delivery systems
- Social service settings
- Funding for services
- Service delivery issues
Unit III: Social Work Values and Ethics
- Values and Ethics defined
- Foundation of professional social work values
- IFSW and NASW Code of Ethics
- Ethical Dilemmas in social work practice
Unit IV: Ethical principles for social work
- Principles of Social Work Practice
- Acceptance
- Confidentiality
- Controlled emotional involvement
- Individualization
- Non-judgemental Attitudes
- Purposeful expression of feelings
- Self-determination
Unit V: Empowering processes for social work practice
- Intake,
- Assessment,
- Planning,
- Intervention,
- Evaluation,
- Integrating gains/termination,
- Follow-up
Unit VI: Contemporary issues in Social work
- Social work in the public domain: poverty, homelessness, hunger, unemployment; divorce;
- Social work in Health, Social Rehabilitation, and Mental Health
- Social work with families and youth
- Social work with Older Adults and Persons with disabilities: Elderly people and Disable people
- Social work and Criminal Justice: girl trafficking, drug cases,
- Education and School Social Work
Unit VII: Social Work Practice in Nepal
- Scope
- Institutional practice of social work
- Structure of social work practice
- The present practice of social work -Voluntary Social work and Professional Social work
- Social work education -Initiation of social work as a discipline.
- Opportunities and challenges in the area of social work
Unit VIII: Practicum: Project work and Report writing
The teaching faculty will divide the students into a number of groups and will assign them writing reports/papers, as project work, either based on fieldwork or secondary/archival resources focusing on social work principles, values, ethics, issue, practices in the world, and Nepal and so on. Each group of students will submit an independent research report/paper analyzed through a sociological perspective under the guidance of assigned faculty in the format provided by the department/campus. The student will present this report in the viva-voce organized by the department/campus at end of the academic year. This viva-voce including the report submitted by the student will be the basis of the final evaluation of 30 marks allocated to this practicum.
SW 422 Basic Sociology for Social Work
Unit I: What is Sociology?
- Developing a sociological outlook: studying sociology
- How can sociology help us in our lives? Awareness of cultural differences; assessing the effects of policies; self-enlightenment
- The development of sociological thinking; early theorists; Auguste Comte; Emile Durkheim; Karl Marx; Max Weber
- More recent sociological perspectives; functionalism, conflict perspective, social action perspectives; symbolic interactionism
- Sociology and social work
Unit II: Individual, Society, and Culture
- Culture and Behavior
- Norms and values
- Status and roles
- Social change
Unit III: Social Interaction and Everyday Life
- The study of daily life
- Non-verbal communication
- The social rules of interaction
- Face, body, and speech in interaction
- Interaction in time and space
- Interaction, groups, and organization
Unit IV: Families, Socialization, the life-Course, and Ageing
- The family in history
- Families and intimate relationships in Nepal
- Culture, society, and child socialization
- Gender socialization
- Socialization through the life-course
Unit V: Health, Illness, and Disability
- The sociology of the body
- The social basis of health
- The sociology of disability
Unit VI: Social Institutions
- The economy and work
- Politics and government
- Marriage and family
- Religion: belief
- Education
- Health and medicine
Unit VII: Social Stratification and Inequality
- Stratification
- Caste, class, gender, region-based inequality
Unit VIII: Application of Sociology in Social Work
- Identifying social problems: urban crime; suburban crime; gang violence; juvenile delinquency; mental health, poverty, unemployment, etc.
- Applied sociology in practice: identification, assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects
Unit VIII: Practicum: Project work and Report writing
The teaching faculty will divide the students into a number of groups and will assign them writing reports/papers, as project work, either based on fieldwork or secondary/archival resources focusing on social institutions; family, marriage, economy, social inequality, social change, etc. Each group of students will submit an independent research report/paper analyzed through a sociological perspective under the guidance of assigned faculty in the format provided by the department/campus. The student will present this report in the viva- voce organized by the department/campus at end of the academic year. This viva-voce including the report submitted by the student will be the basis of the final evaluation of 30 marks allocated to this practicum.
Second Year
- SW 423 Basic Psychology for Social Work
- SW 424A Social Case Work Practice
- SW 424B Social Work Practice with Groups
Third Year*
- SW 425 Social Issues and Leadership Development
- SW 410 Social Issues and Leadership Development (Elective)
Fourth Year*
- SW 426 Theoretical Ideologies of Social Work
- SW 427 Social Problem, Identifications, and Interventions
Note: The courses in the third year and fourth years are proposed. The title of these courses can be changed while developing detailed contents later.