Established in 1933 AD (1990 BS), Budhanilkantha Secondary School is a prestigious educational institution located in Narayansthan, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu. The school has a rich history of providing quality education and is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence.
Budhanilkantha Secondary School offers a variety of academic programs to cater to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. With its affiliation with the National Examination Board, the school provides Ten Plus Two programs in multiple streams, ensuring a comprehensive education that prepares students for higher studies and professional success. The school also offers Diploma in Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering program with the affiliation from CTEVT.
Budhanilkantha Secondary School prioritizes delivering quality education by employing experienced faculty members passionate about their respective subjects. The school's curriculum fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, enabling students to excel in their chosen fields.
The mission of Budhanilkantha Secondary School is to provide a nurturing and inclusive learning environment that empowers students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for their holistic development and prepares them to contribute positively to society.
The vision of Budhanilkantha Secondary School is to be a center of academic excellence, recognized nationally and internationally, known for its commitment to producing well-rounded individuals who excel in various fields and make significant contributions to the betterment of society.