Bouddha International School

Bouddha International School

Gokarneshwor-15, Attarkhel, Jorpati, Gokarneshwar, Kathmandu


Bouddha International School is located in Attarkhel, Jorpati, Gokarneshwor - 15, Kathmandu. Currently Bouddha International School offers classes form Play Group to Grade 10.  This is one of the excellent schools in Nepal. The school administration is committed to provide quality education competitive in the global context. 

Bouddha International School always focuses to unravel the potential of the students so as to bring out the underlying ability in them, and to prepare them to compete with the challenging world. As Greek Philosopher Plato stated “Do not train children to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each’’, BIS always implements the effective teaching, learning activities to discover the real potential of each individual student.

Salient Features

Bouddha International School has well facilitated classrooms made up in a way to build an interactive learning environment.

The labs are fully equipped to provide the students to get the practical knowledge of the theoretical knowledge:

Evaluation System:

Each individual student is evaluated through his/her day to day performance on monthly as well as Term basis. Parents are availed to get updates through online system. 

Evaluation Criteria:- To get the authentic progress of students, we follow genuine criteria i.e. Punctuality, Discipline, Skill, Effort, Progress. Club day:- Learning is not enough.Children need some platform to exhibit their talents.So BIS organises a mega event as “Club Day” for our twinkling stars to demonstrate their skills.                     

Extra Curricular Activities (ECA):

The prominent features of the school are comprised of its attention to the several interests of the students. The schhool has been actively organizing the various Extra-curricular activities and programs.  BMS provides students a platform where each and every interest of theirs is addressed. ECA department, conjoined with CCA department, has made their best to cultivate such interest of students. 19 clubs are there to bring out the hidden talents of each student. Students will be evaluated separately by each club of their interest and promoted from basic level to the higher level as per their performance. To nurture these extraordinary students, BMS has National and International figures for ECA activities, like Mr. Shardul Bhattarai for T.T., Mr. Minesh Shakya for basketball and Mr. Yasin Eren for chess and well trained and knowledgeable mentor for each activity. Under these best personalities, students will be ready for the future to bestow new innovation through activity based knowledge.

 ECA Department has three main categories which are 1) Arts 2) CCA 3) Sports Frequent Internal Competition:- Competition builds confidence within students. So we conduct several internal competitions within clubs, to give exposure to our students. National/International Competition/ Tournament:- World has been globalized, so we do keep our students updating through making them participate in several national/international competitions/tournaments. This gives our students a platform to exhibit their talents and learn through the exposure. Through his/her day to day performance on monthly as well as Term basis. Parents are availed to get updates through online system.

Admission Guidelines

The school has special focus to admit the students who will be most benefited from the school's program and policies. The school policy for the admission is based on the following principles.

1. It has an admission policy that is against any discrimination in terms of gender, race, nationality, religion or language. 

2. Admissions on the basis of the result of entrance examination and record of previous school’s recent examination

 3. The state of the students’ health is considered when being enrolled. The following medical contra-indications are hindrances to enrollment:i. declination in the psychological development of the child;ii. diseases connected with abnormalities of the nervous system,iii. various chronic diseases which may cause difficulties in mastering the material and the handling of an increased learning load;iv. contagious diseases.

4. BMS reserves the right not to admit a student who has violated disciplinary rules in a serious nature in the previous school(s).

Admission Procedures

   Admission is done on the basis of the seats available in each of the grades. Following steps are needed to be followed for the admission process:


        • Collect the admission form along school’s prospectus and other documents from the school office or download the admission form from the school’s website. 

        • Get proper information about the transport route from transport department.

     • Submit the application form, duly completed in all respects along with all the documents mentioned above.


    Once the admission form is submitted, 

    For class 1 

  1. The interview date and time will be given. There will be oral test that focuses on Logical/Basic Mathematics skills, general language concept of English and Nepali on the same day of interview. This interview is with I Care In-charge, Block In charge and Vice-Principal. This interview will include parents/Guardians and prospective student. 

    For classes 2 to 8 

  1. The date and time of placement test (English, Maths and Nepali- for Nepali Students whereas for foreigners English and Maths only) will be given to the students. And after third days of the test, the result of the test will be announced in the school’s websites. 
  2. Once the students able to complete the placement test, he/she needs to sit for an interview with I-Care In-charge, Block In-charge and Vice-Principal respectively. This interview will include parents/Guardians and prospective student. 


    • After an interview, in timely manner, the principal’s secretary/receptionist contacts the parents/guardians to inform them of BIS’s decision regarding their child. 


  1. Once the child is accepted at BMS, financial agreement is then done within the 7 days. And officially, the child will be admitted. And also bus pass and other details will be issued. 
  2. Parents must submit the original Annual Report card along with character certificate once the school reopens. 

 The school authority reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate. 


Required  documents for the admission:

  1. Filled-up admission form provided from the school
  2. Two passport sized photos
  3. Birth certificate (original or photocopy)
  4. Parents-school contract
  5. Withdrawal certificate from the previous school
  6. Marksheets from the previous school
  7. Filled-up student information form rpovided from the school

Download the admission from the following link:

Buoddha Admission form pdf download


  • private Institution
  • 01-4913884, 01-4913843, 01-4913842


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