Sarbamangala Secondary School

Panchkhal-4, Panchkhal, Panchkhal, Kavrepalanchok



Shree Sarbamangala Secondary School is one of the popular government schools in Kabhre district. It is located at Panchkhal of Kabhre district, at a few minutes walking distance away from Tamaghat. Away from air pollution, this school stands in ecologically serene, peaceful, cozy and scenically attractive situation.

Established in 2020 BS, Shree Sarbamangala has produced 41 SLC batches since 2028 BS. Now the school is conducting plus two programs in Science, Management, Education and Humanities affiliated to National Examination Board of Nepal.

With its initiation, Sarbamangala Multiple Campus was established in 2063 BS to impart quality education for higher level. 

Out of 81 ropanies of land, ten ropanies of land is occupied by the school infrastructure, 2.5 ropanies of land has been given for lease from where the school earns ten thousand rupees every year and the remaining land will be the source of income if it is given for lease.

Currently, this institution has 600 students in school level, 250 students in plus two level.