Nepal Rastriya Secondary School Manamaiju

Tarakeshwor, Nepaltar, Kathmandu


Nepal Rastriya Secondary School, located in Tarakeshwor-11, Nepaltar, Kathmandu (previously known as Manamaiju, Kathmandu), is a leading institution dedicated to providing quality education in line with the demands of modern times. With the advent of science and technology, the world has become a global village, and this school embraces the influence of globalization and technological advancements.

Recognizing the dynamic nature of education, Nepal Rastriya Secondary School is committed to ongoing educational improvement. The school understands that education must evolve with time to maintain a competitive edge and foster healthy educational competition. Today, with the proliferation of information technology, students have access to numerous sources of knowledge beyond traditional classroom teaching. This necessitates continuous updates and modifications to the curriculum to ensure it remains relevant and comprehensive.

The school operates with the belief that "Quality Education is Our Commitment." Education begins at home, but formal education is essential for individuals to fulfill their social needs, integrate into society, and assume leadership roles. Nepal Rastriya Secondary School was established to provide modern, accessible, and employment-oriented education for all.

Historical Background

The school was founded in 2004 B.S. (1947 A.D.) as a primary school under the then Manamaiju VDC in Ward No. 9 of Kathmandu district. It resulted from tireless efforts by social workers, intellectuals, and education enthusiasts in the region. Over the years, the school has expanded its educational offerings:

  • Lower Secondary Level: Approved in 2037 B.S. (1980 A.D.)
  • Secondary Level: Approved in 2042 B.S. (1986 A.D.)
  • Classes 11 and 12: Introduced in 2054 B.S. (1997 A.D.)

The school understands the importance of adapting to global changes and the role of modern education in shaping the future of its students. With a focus on integrating contemporary subjects and technology into the curriculum, Nepal Rastriya Secondary School ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges of the modern world.

Nepal Rastriya Secondary School remains dedicated to its mission of providing high-quality education and continues to grow and adapt in response to the evolving educational landscape.


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  • Balaju-16, KathmanduApprox 300m away
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  • Bahinimarga, KathmanduApprox 400m away
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  • Balaju, Basantapur, KathmanduApprox 400m away