Kathmandu International School

Kathmandu International School

Pashupati Nath Road, Kathmandu


Kathmandu International School, commonly referred to as KINS, is a privately run educational institution that offers co-educational programs to students ranging from kindergarten to secondary school. It operates within the legal framework of the Government of Nepal and promotes "Constructive Education," a teaching and learning approach developed by its own faculty members. This approach is centered on thematic, proficiency, and experiential methods, providing each individual with opportunities for holistic growth in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual domains.

Since its establishment in 1992, KINS has been striving for excellence in education, building upon a remarkable history of achievement. The institution has consistently lived up to its founding vision, attracting nearly 1000 students from diverse backgrounds who enroll in its day scholar, day boarder, and boarding programs. KINS boasts a team of dedicated educators who are committed to maximizing each student's potential. Its impressive track record speaks for itself, as KINS has reached new heights and become a revered educational institution in Kathmandu, providing high-quality education to the masses.

By a stroke of coincidence, KINS is nestled in the heart of Lord Pashupatinath, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of honesty and values. Through the combined and unyielding efforts of its management, teachers, parents, and students, KINS has garnered tremendous success and prestige to date.

Salient Features

The school has various clubs that benefit not only the students but also the environment:

Arts and Crafts

The Arts & Crafts Club provides students the opportunity to showcase their creative talents outside of the formal art classes.

Finding Your Voice

This club provides students with the opportunities to learn the different skills and strategies needed to deliver different types of speeches and express meaningful messages.

Junior Red Cross

Members of the school's Junior Red Cross make sure that the needs of the most vulnerable members of the local community are met.


Through the Karate Club, students learn to increase their flexibility, stay fit and build their character. It also allows them to learn defenses in case of any danger.

Performing Arts

The students are provided with a wide range of opportunities where they can experience music, dance and drama.


Through the Robotics Club, students get first-hand experience for creating robots and are able to lead teams with the sole intention of becoming robot innovators.

Science and Technology

Through a designed curriculum, the members of the club gain a perspective and are able to become innovators and creators of the modern times.


The main goal of the school with the Scouts Club is to support young people through their physical, mental and spiritual development so that they may grow up to play constructive roles for the society in the future.

We Care

A student led incentive, the club was created to bring about positive changes in the society by conducting responsible actions. The main focus of this campaign is bringing awareness to the society and also doing cleanup projects.

Yoga and Meditation

A skilled instructor teaches yoga as well as an exploration of meditation for beginners. Through this club, the school hopes to promote health and contentment on all of the students.

Admission Guidelines

Admission forms can be obtained from the school premises during school hours from Sunday-Friday (9am - 5pm).  Candidates must attend an entrance examination and once they clear that can proceed with further admission process.


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