It is an electrical engineering subject that designs electronic circuits, devices, integrated circuits, and systems using nonlinear and active electrical components (such as semiconductor devices, especially transistors and diodes). Passive electrical components, usually based on printed circuit boards, are also designed by this field.
Electronics is a branch of the larger academic subject of electrical engineering, but it also refers to a vast engineering discipline that includes subfields including analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics, embedded systems, and power electronics. Electronics engineering is concerned with the implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms developed in a variety of fields, such as solid-state physics, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, systems engineering, computer engineering, instrumentation engineering, electric power control, robotics, and so on.
Some colleges provide an academic degree with a major in electronics engineering, whereas others just offer electrical engineering as a subject. In academia, the term electrical engineer is still used to refer to both electrical and electronic engineers.
Engineers in the discipline of electronic engineering create and test circuits that make use of the electromagnetic properties of electrical components such resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors to fulfill a certain function. One example of such a circuit is the tuner circuit, which allows a radio user to filter out all but one station.