Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4 years
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Fee (Tentative)Starting NPR 587,000

Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (BE Ele & Elx)

Traditionally electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated to large scale electrical systems, such as, electricity generation, transmission and utilization while electronics is concerned with low voltage applications in computers, communication systems and integrated circuits. The advancements in power transmission system and diverse uses of electricity in different walks of life have created demand for blending of these two disciplines and developing breeds of engineers who have knowledge and skills in both the areas.

Electrical and Electronic engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century with the commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. The field now covers a range of subdisciplines including those that dealing with power, optoelectronics, digital electronics, analog electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, control systems, electronics, signal processing and telecommunications.

The main objective of the Electrical and Electronics program in Pokhara University is to produce high quality Electrical and Electronics Engineers needed to meet the National aspirations and goals. The fall semester starts in September and the spring semester in March. Fresh Admissions are normally made at the beginning of the fall semester.

Salient Features

Proposed Fee Structure for B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Pokhara University School of Engineering Lekhnath, Kaski for the academic year 


  • The candidates should have completed Class 12 examination of NEB or equivalent level from a recognized academic institution.
  • The candidates should have studied at least one course (having at least 100 full marks or 5 credits) each in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • The candidates should have scored a minimum of 45% or a CGPA/GPA of 2.0 (in a scale of 4.0) and at least Grade C (in case of A-level, at least Grade D) or 45% in each subject (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics).

The minimum criterion of Grade C (in case of A level, Grade D) or 45% does not apply to other courses or extra courses, if any. Candidates should have studied mathematics of at least 100 marks in Class 11 or class 12 examination of NEB or equivalent level.

Job Prospects


The graduates can expect career opportunities in agencies concerned with generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, alternative/renewable energy projects, communication, manufacturing and service sectors.The Graduates of Electrical and Electronics Engineering program have ample of opportunity to build their career in following sectors:

  • Government Sector like Civil Aviation Authority
  • Nepal Electricity Authority
  • Nepal Telecom
  • Private Consulting Firms
  • Private Electrical and Electronics Companies
  • INGOs
  • NGOs