Law Colleges in Nepal

Purnima Thapa

August 31, 2020
Last updated July 09, 2024
Sr. Content Writer

A Law degree is one of the sought-after and respected courses globally. A law degree is the first step for the path to a career in the legal sector. However, it has diverse sectors to be engaged to. The attraction towards a law degree in Nepal has been popular among the new generation due to their interest level and want to be intellectually stimulated despite the challenges it comes up with.

A law sector requires patience and logical skills in an individual. Having a law degree teaches students to think critically and rationally and hone their communication skills.

Career Opportunities/Job Prospects:

There is numerous career options once the students graduates in law. A law degree is a gateway to a career as a lawyer, legal secretary, lecturer, management consultant, legal writer/editor, lobbyist, policy analyst etc. Career in law does not only gives students diverse legal career options but gives financial rewards as well. Students can have diverse practice areas where they can sharpen their skill. As this is dynamic and intellectually challenged sector, students have further growth and opportunities.

In Nepal, Law programme has been running from +2 to Ph.D level. Earlier, Law College offering LL.B programme was affiliated with Patna University of India which later was affiliated with Tribhuvan University. Since then, legal education in the higher level became one of the integral courses of Tribhuvan University. Nepal Law Campus (NLC), Tribhuvan University is the oldest college of Nepal which is imparting legal education in Nepal since 1954. Other than Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Purbanchal University, Mid-Western University and Nepal Open University are other Universities that offer Law courses in Bachelor and Master level in Nepal.

Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University

Tribhuvan University (TU) was established in 1959 AD. The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest faculties of Tribhuvan University which was established in 1959 AD as an Institute of Law and it was renamed as the Faculty of Law in 1974 AD. However, the Law College was established in 1954 AD with offering LLB course with an affiliation to Patna University of India. After the establishment of Tribhuvan University, the Law College came under it. The Faculty of Law is located at Exhibition Road, Kathmandu.

The Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University offers B.A.LL.B (Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws), LL.B(Bachelor of Laws), LL.M (Master of Laws)- 3 Years, LL.M (Master of Laws)- 2 Years and PH.D (Doctor of Philosophy).

Below are the list of constituent/public campuses of Tribhuvan University that offer Bachelor's and Master's degree in Law:

Mahendra Multiple Campus:

This Campus is located at Dharan town of Sunsari district and was established in 2012 AD. Dharan falls under the Eastern Development Region. There are four faculties including law. The other faculties are humanities and social sciences, science, and education. The Law Faculty was introduced in 2042 (1985 AD) and offers LL.B programme only.

Mahendra Bindeshwori Multiple Campus

This Campus was established in 2014 (1956 AD) at Rajbiraj, the district Headquarter of Saptari. Rajbiraj also falls under the Eastern Development Region. The Faculty of Law was introduced in 2032 (1975 AD). There are four faculties including law. The other faculties are humanities and social sciences, science, and education. The Faculty offers LL.B programme only.

Nepal Law Campus

The Nepal Law Campus was established in 1954 AD at Kathmandu. Currently, this is located at Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, downtown of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City. The Campus offers BALLBLLB, and LLM 2 Years and LLM 3 Years programmes. More than 6000 students including all programmes are studying at this campus.

As a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University and as an oldest institution imparting legal education, NLC has the great contribution and plays significant role in Legal Education.

Butwal Multiple Campus

This Campus was established in 2030 (1974 AD) at the city of Butwal of Rupandehi district. This falls under the Western Development Region. There are four faculties under this Campus including law. The other faculties are humanities and social sciences, science, and education. The Faculty of Law was established in 2044 (1987 AD) and offers LL.B programme only.

Prithvi Narayan Multiple Campus:

The Prithivi Narayan Multiple Campus is located at Pokhara, one of the famous tourist places of the world and Regional Headquarter of the Western Development Region. This Campus was established in 2016 (1960 AD). There are four faculties including law in this Campus. The other faculties include humanities and social sciences, science, and education. This Campus has been offering LL.B and B.A.LL.B programmes. The LL.B programme was introduced in 2036 (1980 AD) and the B.A.LL.B programme was started in 2012 AD as an special programme.

Mahendra Multiple Campus:

This Campus was established in 2016 (1960 AD) at Nepalgunj, Regional Center of Mid-West Development Region. The Faculty of Law was established in 2033 (1976 AD). There are four faculties including law. The other faculties are humanities and social sciences, science, and education. This Campus offered LL.B programme only.

Below are private colleges that offer Law programmes with the affiliation from Tribhuvan University:

Hari Khetan Campus:

This is a private college located at Birgunj, Parsa. The Camwass is established in March, 1982 and the legal education was introduced on 21 September 1989 AD. This Campus offers of humanities, social sciences, education, management, and science programmes. It College offers LL.B programme only.

National Law College:

National Law College (NaLC) is the first Private Law College affiliated to Tribhuvan University in Nepal. National Law College (NaLC) is established with a mission to uplift legal education of our country. NaLC is affiliated to Tribhuvan University of Nepal where it runs two graduate level programs, Bachelor of Arts combined with Bachelor of Laws (B.A. LL.B) and Master of Laws (LLM).

List of Private Colleges affiliated to Purbanchal University

Bright Vision College (BVC) Biratnagar

Bright Vision College (BVC) Biratnagar, was established in 2010 AD. It is affiliated with Purbanchal University and one of the law colleges outside Kathmandu Valley. It is currently offering BALLB and LLM program. 

Chakrabarti HaBi Education Academy College of Law (Chakrabarti Law)

Chakrabarti HaBi Education Academy College of Law (Chakrabarti Law) is a part of the Chakrabarti HaBi Education Academy. This college was established in 2010 AD. A Purbanchal University affiliate college Chakrabarti Law offers five years BA LL.B. and two years LL.M. program.

Kathmandu School of Law (KSL)

Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) has strong commitment to be proactive in the legal education of Nepal to prepare leaders in the practice of law, public and community service. It offers five years BA LL.B. and two years LL.M. program affiliated to Purbanchal University.

Kathmandu University School of Law

Kathmandu University School of Law, KUSL under Kathmandu University is the seventh School in the Kathmandu University System. The School of Law is based in a scenic locality of Dhulikhel municipality of Kavre District. It offers Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Law (BBM LLB). BBM, LLB syllabus of Kathmandu University is built on the basis of learning competencies for starting career in law and management.

Mid-West University, School of Law

Mid-West University, School of Law offers BALLB program.

Nepal Open University

NOU runs programme in distance online learning mode. In conventional university students do come to university for education, whereas NOU tries to reach to the students where they are to educate, train and validate the lived experiences through certification based on established quality standards of higher/tertiary education. With a wide variety of programmes, it has also incorporated law education. It offers Bachelor of Law (LLB).

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