Recognition and Equivalency of Higher Education Qualifications, 2078

Process of Getting Equivalence Certificate from Tribhuvan University


May 29, 2024
Last updated May 31, 2024
Recognition and Equivalency of Higher Education Qualifications, 2078

Tribhuvan University

Regulations for Recognition and Equivalency of Higher Education Qualifications, 2078
Including the amendment made by decision number 2263 of the meeting of the Tribhuvan University Executive Council held on Bhadra 13, 2080

Tribhuvan University Curriculum Development Center, Equivalency Determination Committee, deemed it necessary to streamline the process of recognition and equivalency of qualifications from domestic and foreign universities and educational institutions. Therefore, in exercising the powers conferred by Rule 133 of the Tribhuvan University Organization and Educational Administration Regulations 2050, the Executive Council has formulated the following Regulations, 2078.

Chapter - 1


1. Short Title and Commencement:

(1) These regulations shall be called the "Higher Education Qualification Recognition and Equivalency Determination Regulations, 2078." They may be called "Equivalency Determination Regulations" for short.

(2) These regulations shall come into effect immediately.

2. Definitions:

Unless the context otherwise requires, in these regulations:

(a) "Academic Council" means the Tribhuvan University Academic Council.

(b) "Executive Council" means the Tribhuvan University Executive Council.

(c) "Committee" means the Equivalency Determination Committee.

(d) "Center" means the Curriculum Development Center.

(e) "Institutes and Faculties" means various institutes and faculties under Tribhuvan University.

(f) "Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee" means the committee on Academic Qualification Equivalency and Grading Recommendation mentioned in Section 4.

(g) "Recognition" refers to the recognition granted by Tribhuvan University to the academic qualifications awarded by domestic or foreign universities or educational institutions.

(h) "Equivalency" refers to the equivalency established between the qualifications of a domestic or foreign university or educational institution and the qualifications of academic programs offered under Tribhuvan University.

(i) "Conditional Recognition or Equivalency" refers to the recognition or equivalency granted to qualifications from programs outside the regular duration of a university program or with significant differences in workload compared to regular programs.

(j) "Executive Director" refers to the Executive Director of the Curriculum Development Center, Tribhuvan University.

(k) "Credit" refers to the numerical value indicating the minimum academic activity required for a subject in a university or educational institution.

(l) "Credit Transfer" refers to the transfer of credits earned in a domestic or foreign university or educational institution or program to another subject or program at the same level.

(m) "Integrated Degree" refers to a higher-level degree obtained by studying the curriculum of both levels.

(n) "Dual Degree" refers to two degrees awarded based on the completion of some additional curriculum at a specific level.

(o) "Ordinary Method" refers to the regular method used for determining the equivalency of a qualification from an institution for which a special method was previously used for the first time.

(p) "Special Method" refers to the specific method used for the first time to determine the recognition or equivalency of a qualification awarded by a university or educational institution. This also refers to the process where the committee decides after seeking the opinion of the concerned Dean's Office regarding recognition or equivalency.

(q) "Grading" refers to the process of determining the grade of an academic qualification if the evaluation has been done through various methods but the overall grade is not specified.

(r) "As Prescribed" refers to the things prescribed by the Equivalency Determination Committee according to these regulations and as mentioned in the regulations.

Chapter - 2

Procedures for Recognition and Equivalency Determination of Qualifications

3. Application for Recognition or Equivalency:

(1) Applications submitted by applicants who have obtained academic certificates from universities and educational institutions recognized as equivalent to universities outside Tribhuvan University, and from universities and educational institutions operating with the approval of authorized regulatory bodies of the respective countries, will be processed for recognition or equivalency according to these regulations through regular or special methods.

(2) For recognition or equivalency under the ordinary or regular method, an application must be submitted in the format prescribed in Schedule - 1. Information regarding online application submission or application submission in person at the office will be published. The following documents must be attached with the application:

(a) Original Graduation Certificate (or Provisional Certificate for a maximum period of five years if the convocation ceremony has not been held) or Transcript for the level for which recognition or equivalency is sought, and transcript or a certified copy of the mark sheet and character certificate if the university does not issue transcripts. However, for open and distance learning qualifications, an official letter from the examination center and the university concerned must also be submitted.

(b) A copy of the Tribhuvan University equivalency certificate for any lower-level qualification obtained from another university or educational institution, if applicable.

(c) Certified copies of the documents translated into English by an authorized body or person if the certificates are not in Nepali or English.

(d) Copies of passport and visa or resident permit, if the studies were completed outside of India.

(e) Clear documents showing credit earned and transferred, if the qualification was obtained through credit transfer.

(f) Bank voucher or online payment receipt in the name of Curriculum Development Center, Kirtipur.

(g) Copies of documents showing the duration of study and credit hours. If the duration of study and credit hours are not mentioned, official documents issued by the concerned university and educational institution specifying the duration of study and credit hours must be submitted.

(h) A copy of the official document proving completion of practical work, as mentioned in the curriculum, for subjects with practical components.

4. Special Method for Recognition or Equivalency of Qualifications from Unrecognized Universities:

Applicants seeking recognition or equivalency for qualifications from universities not previously recognized by this Center at the time of their application for recognition or equivalency must submit the following documents under the special method:

(a) An application in the format prescribed in Schedule - 1. The Center will inform about the option for online or physical submission of such applications.

Granting Equivalency:

(1) Notwithstanding anything written in any other clause of these regulations, the following provisions apply to the equivalency of qualifications from universities ranked between 1 and 500 in the latest Times Higher Education Ranking:

(a) Equivalency will be granted to applicants with law degrees upon submission of documents as per Clause 3(2) of this section.

(b) For applicants with Bachelor's, Master's, and M.Phil. degrees, equivalency by subject or title can be granted based on the workload and credit hours determined by the institute and faculty, upon submission of documents as per Clause 3(2) of this section. However, if the workload and credit hours do not meet the requirements, recognition by level or relevant subject may be granted.

(B) Other Cases:

(a) Certificates for the level for which recognition or equivalency is sought, and the level below that, including original Graduation Certificates or Provisional Certificates for a maximum period of five years if the convocation ceremony has not been held, or transcripts, or a certified copy of the mark sheet and character certificate if the university does not issue transcripts.

(b) A copy of the Tribhuvan University equivalency certificate for any lower-level qualification obtained from another university or educational institution, if applicable.

(c) A copy of the letter issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the authorized regulatory body of the respective country accrediting the university and educational institution.

(d) A copy of the brochure of the university and educational institution.

(e) Official Course of Study/Syllabus for the level studied.

(f) Dissertation or project report or practical report and its electronic copy.

(g) Copies of passport and visa or temporary/permanent resident permit, if the studies were completed outside of India.

(h) Bank voucher or proof of electronic payment made in the name of Tribhuvan University Curriculum Development Center.

(i) The application and necessary documents submitted by the applicant under this Clause 4 will be sent to the concerned Dean's Office for their opinion. The committee will make a decision after receiving the opinion from the Dean's Office.

Chapter - 3

Additional Provisions Regarding Recognition and Equivalency

5. Additional Provisions Regarding Recognition and Equivalency

(a) The following will be considered while determining recognition or equivalency: minimum program-level requirements, entrance qualifications, duration of study, credit hours, and workload of the relevant institution/faculty. Entrance qualifications, duration of study, credit hours, and workload will be as specified by the relevant Tribhuvan University institutions/faculties.

In this regard, entrance qualifications, duration of study, credit hours, and workload of other universities in Nepal and universities ranked between 1 and 500 in the world can also be used as a basis for comparison.

(b) Based on the criteria mentioned in Clause 5(a), equivalency by subject or title can be granted if the program meets the workload and credit hour requirements determined by the institution and faculty. However, if the program does not meet these requirements, recognition by level or relevant subject may be granted.

(c) Recognition or equivalency will be determined solely based on the academic certificates issued by the university. However, this provision shall not be considered an obstacle to granting recognition to certificates issued by autonomous institutions or colleges with university-level accreditation.

(d) The degree title must be mentioned on the certificate, transcript, or marksheet.

(e) For graduates of postgraduate medical programs, proof of internship completion in the relevant department must be submitted.

(f) Students must submit proof of having spent the study period at the relevant institution (valid visa, entry/exit proof, etc.). However, recognition will be granted for online theoretical classes.

(g) The institution awarding the qualification must be a recognized university, educational institution, body, or board at the time the qualification was awarded. If credits were transferred, the institutions awarding those credits must also be recognized for offering the relevant qualification.

(h) If the authenticity of an academic certificate is doubtful, correspondence can be made with the relevant educational institution or university to verify its authenticity. Alternatively, a representative can be sent to the institution or university to verify the authenticity. Recognition or equivalency will only be granted after confirmation of authenticity.

(i) For students who have completed a diploma in engineering and then pursued a three-year Bachelor of Engineering through lateral entry, the procedures established by the Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering will apply.

(j) Clinical research dissertations in medical fields must be conducted on human subjects and must be carried out at a hospital affiliated with the institution, the institution where the studies are being conducted, or an institution recommended by the aforementioned institutions.

6. Equivalency or Recognition Will Not Be Granted for the Following Qualifications or Certificates:

(a) Qualifications from vocational and professional training programs.

(b) Qualifications awarded by programs conducted for enhancing professional skills.

(c) Training, professional training, informal learning certificates, or qualifications awarded by hospitals, training centers, professional or business associations, or institutions other than universities or institutions awarding academic qualifications. However, this provision shall not be considered an obstacle to granting equivalency or recognition for a qualification awarded by a recognized university or institution awarding academic qualifications, if credits earned through the aforementioned methods were accepted and a regular program qualification was awarded.

7. Procedure for Equivalency of Ph.D. and M.Phil. Degrees in Addition to the Matters Mentioned Above

For Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees obtained from universities ranked between 1 and 500 in the international ranking, Clause 4(a) will apply in addition to the matters mentioned in the procedures.

For equivalency of Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees from other universities, in addition to the matters mentioned in the procedures, the following shall apply:

(a) Evidence of successful defense and approval of the Ph.D. or M.Phil. thesis proposal must be submitted.

(b) The Ph.D. degree must have been completed in a minimum of three years after registering the research proposal at the university. The originality of the Ph.D. and M.Phil. thesis must be checked through a plagiarism test, and it must not exceed the set limit.

(c) The qualifications of the designated Ph.D. supervisor and co-supervisor must be Ph.D. degrees.

(d) When applying for equivalency of Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees, the applicant must submit the official thesis, its electronic copy, the originality report from the concerned university, and the plagiarism check fee determined by the Center.

(e) The title of the thesis and the title mentioned on the degree certificate must match.

(f) An article related to the Ph.D. work must be published in an Index, Peer-reviewed, Impact factor/Journal as determined by the concerned body. This article must be submitted along with the thesis.

(g) For Super Specialty studies in medical science, the applicant must have completed postgraduate studies in the relevant subject.

(h) The format of the certificate of recognition or equivalency to be issued based on applications processed under these procedures will be approved by the Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee.

(i) The Ph.D. and M.Phil. thesis must be single-authored.

8. Cases Where Equivalency or Recognition Will Not Be Granted

Equivalency or recognition will not be granted for any qualification in the following cases:

(a) If the submitted documents are incomplete or contain false information, until a decision or verification is made.

(b) If the plagiarism level of the Ph.D. or M.Phil. thesis exceeds the set limit.

(c) If the original Ph.D. or M.Phil. degree certificate is not submitted.

(d) If the authenticity cannot be confirmed or if certificates not certified by the appropriate authorities are submitted.

(e) If a qualification was obtained through credit transfer, and more than 50% of the credits were transferred.

Chapter - 4

Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee


9. Formation of Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee

(1) If it becomes necessary to seek recommendations regarding the recognition, equivalency, or grading of academic qualifications from universities other than Tribhuvan University, or regarding any disputes arising in this regard, a three-member committee will be formed by the Rector.

(2) The committee may invite up to two experts to attend its meetings. The meeting allowances and refreshment expenses for this committee will be similar to those of the Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee.

Chapter - 5

Provisions Regarding Recognition and Equivalency of Various Qualifications


10. Recognition and Equivalency of Various Qualifications

The following types of qualifications fall under the category of recognition and equivalency, and the methods and procedures for granting them will be as follows:

a) Equivalency of Open and Distance Learning Qualifications

(1) Equivalency or recognition will not be granted for qualifications obtained through open and distance learning (Open and Distance Mode), online, or private study in technical fields such as science and technology, engineering, medicine, forestry, agriculture, and information technology.

(2) Recognition or equivalency may be granted for general subjects obtained through open and distance learning from an approved institution or center within the jurisdiction of the relevant university. When applying for equivalency or recognition of such qualifications, a valid recommendation letter from the authorized and relevant study center must be submitted.

Equivalency or recognition will not be granted for Acharya (Master's) and Ph.D. degrees awarded through open and distance learning methods.

However, this provision shall not be considered an obstacle to granting recognition for technical subjects as well, if a well-established university or educational institution offering open and distance learning has admitted students to an approved study center within the university's jurisdiction and awarded the degree after completing coursework appropriate to the subject, including practical work. For this purpose, applicants must submit the necessary documentary evidence along with their application. Such recognition and equivalency certificates will mention "open and distance learning recognition."

11. Regarding Interdisciplinary Equivalency and Recognition

If a student who studies a subject in one faculty or institution obtains a higher-level degree in another subject within the same faculty or institution, recognition or equivalency will not be withheld due to unmet entry requirements.

For students of the Medical Sciences Faculty who obtain a degree in a science subject, and for science students who obtain degrees in agriculture, forestry, medicine, management, humanities, and engineering, recognition or equivalency will not be hindered based on unmet entry requirements.

12. Regarding Conditional Equivalency or Recognition

a) Qualifications obtained through open and distance learning methods (Open and Distance mode), private study, or online will be granted conditional recognition. Such conditional recognition certificates will mention "open and distance learning," "online," "private," or the shortened study duration, and will only recognize the level of the qualification.

b) If the credit hours are met but the study duration is less than required, recognition and equivalency will be granted after fulfilling the remaining study duration.

13. Regarding Integrated and Dual Degrees

If a Nepali citizen obtains a postgraduate degree (after Bachelor's), a Master's degree (after Proficiency Certificate), or a Ph.D. (after Bachelor's) from a foreign university, and the program falls within the curriculum, duration, credit hours, and examination system standards established by the relevant Tribhuvan University institution or faculty for Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees, equivalency may be granted after following the necessary procedures. Similarly, if someone takes additional credits while studying at a certain level and seeks equivalency or recognition for a dual degree, equivalency or recognition for the dual degree may be granted after following the necessary procedures, provided the credits are sufficient.

14. Regarding Study Duration, Main Subjects, and Credit Hours

a) For equivalency, at least 75% of the core subjects of the relevant Tribhuvan University subject must have been studied, and the study duration must be met. If at least 75% of the core subjects of the relevant subject have been studied and the entry requirements are met, equivalency will be granted by specifying the subject.

b) If at least 50% of the core subjects of the relevant Tribhuvan University subject are met and the credit hours are up to 75%, recognition will be granted for the "relevant subject" even if the study duration is short or the entry requirements are not met.

c) If at least 50% of the core subjects of the relevant Tribhuvan University subject are not met, or if the credit hours are less than 75% and the study duration is also short, then only the level will be recognized for such qualifications.

Chapter 6

15. Certificates Must Be Officially Attested

The certificates submitted for equivalency and recognition as per the regulations must be authentic. Such certificates must be attested by an official authorized to certify the academic status of the university or educational institution on an official format. Otherwise, such certificates will not be recognized. If there are doubts about the submitted certificate, additional documents may be requested, and they may be sent to the concerned body for verification. No equivalency or recognition certificate will be issued without the necessary documents.

16. Procedures Do Not Affect Recognition and Equivalency

Regardless of when someone applies for recognition or equivalency of an educational qualification, the decision will be made based on the laws, recognition, and equivalency regulations in effect at the time the qualification was obtained. When making decisions on applications for equivalency, procedural and substantive matters will be considered separately. The qualification's study duration, course load, and educational and legal status in the relevant country must be determined based on the aforementioned criteria.

17. No Equivalency Without Government Recognition

If an educational institution operating in any country conducts programs in affiliation with a university or educational institution of another country, it must have obtained approval from the government or regulatory body of the country where the institution is operating. This type of approval must be valid for the entire duration of the applicant's studies. Recognition and equivalency will not be granted if the qualification obtained is not recognized in the country where the university is located or in the country where the qualification was obtained. Additionally, if such recognition and equivalency have already been granted, they will be revoked.

18. Fee Determination

Except for institutional recognition and equivalency, fees will be charged for equivalency, recognition, and other various services performed by this center under special and general procedures as determined by the Executive Council. The fee amount must be deposited into the bank account of the center as per the instructions provided by the center, either through a bank voucher or electronic payment. The deposited amount will not be refunded.

19. Regarding Foreign Students

If a foreign citizen applies for equivalency to study in Nepal, only the certificates and other documents of the level of qualification for which equivalency is sought need to be attached to the application. However, for Ph.D. studies, equivalency for both Bachelor's and Master's degrees is required.

20. Action Against False Information

If it is found that someone has submitted false documents or tampered with information or has presented someone else's certificates or documents as their own while applying for recognition or equivalency of any qualification, legal proceedings will be initiated in accordance with the prevailing laws.

21. Regarding Cancellation of Previous Decisions

If recognition or equivalency has been granted based on the documents submitted by an applicant, and it is later determined based on new evidence that the information provided by the applicant is incorrect or insufficient to grant equivalency, the Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee may cancel the recognition or equivalency certificate at any time. In such cases, the applicant will be given a fair opportunity to explain themselves.

22. Correction of Details

If there is a printing error in the recognition, equivalency, or level determination certificate issued in accordance with the procedures or previously issued, the applicant can request a correction within 35 days of receiving the certificate. However, a fee will be charged if a request for correction is made after 35 days. If the error occurred due to the applicant providing incorrect information, a fee will be charged even if the request for correction is made within 35 days. However, there will be no fee if such details are corrected before the certificate is issued.

23. Amending or Adding to the Schedule

The Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Committee may amend or add to the schedule according to its decisions.

24. Interpretation of Procedures

The Executive Council will have the authority to interpret these procedures.

25. Amending Procedures

The Executive Council will make any modifications or amendments to these procedures.

26. Repeal and Saving

(1) The Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Directive, 2076 (B.S.) is hereby repealed.

(2) Any actions taken under the Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Directive, 2076 (B.S.) will be considered to have been taken under these procedures.

(3) Any provisions of the Equivalency and Grading Recommendation Directive, 2076 (B.S.) that conflict with the provisions made by these procedures must be brought into conformity with these procedures within one month. This will not prevent decisions from being made on applications

Note: This is an unofficial translation of the document "त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय उच्च शिक्षा उपाधिको मान्यता तथा समकक्षता निर्धारण कार्यविधि, २०७८." We have taken the utmost care to avoid errors in this translation. However, if there are any inadvertent mistakes, Edusanjal will not be liable for any resulting losses. We recommend referring to the original regulation document (available in Nepali) for accurate information.

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