Sublime Secondary School

Sublime Secondary School

Pokhara-7, Ratnachowk, Pokhara, Kaski


Sublime English Boarding Secondary School is located in Pokhara-7, Ratnachowk, Kaski. This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs.

Sublime Secondary School is established with the view to cater its students a highly modernized education, perfectly suited to the needs and demands of students in this 21st century. 

At present, Sublime Secondary School is running Management and Humanities faculty with the strong hope of its extension to Science and Education in the years to come.


​Himanchal Boarding School
​Himanchal Boarding School
  • Pokhara, KaskiApprox 200m away
Ratna Jyoti Secondary School
Ratna Jyoti Secondary School
  • Pokhara-8, Ratnachowk, Pokhara, KaskiApprox 200m away
Janapriya  Multiple School
Janapriya Multiple School
  • Simalchaur, Pokhara, KaskiApprox 300m away
Srijana Secondary School Pokhara
Srijana Secondary School Pokhara
  • Prithivi Chowk, Pokhara, KaskiApprox 900m away
Motherland Secondary School
Motherland Secondary School
  • Mashbar, Pokhara, KaskiApprox 900m away