Disneyland Academy

Kolabari Marg, Masbar, Pokhara, Lekhnath-7, Pokhara, Kaski



Disneyland Academy is a well known school located in Kolbari-Marga, Masbar, Pokhara Lekhnath-7 Nepal established in 2063 BS which provides quality education for the students from class Nursery to class 10 and is managed by the experienced teachers and lecturers from the Pokhara Valley.

It is an educational community where students and staff of various nationalities and background live, study and work together in a congenial atmosphere. The aim is to provide an all round education in which children are prepared to face any crisis in life with moral dignity and to become useful and loyal citizens of the country.

Disneyland Academy seeks to prepare a student, not merely to pass examinations or enter a profession, but also aims at creating a tolerant, balanced, independent individual with the right attitude of mind and spirit and a desire to help others.

The school believes that proper education can only be imparted to children only when the School, the Home and the Society work in tandem in a spirit of mutual respect. we strive to give them numerous opportunities to develop their individual interests and to cultivate their talents through enrichment, engagement and extra-curricular activities. They are empowered with the skill of converting every challenge into an opportunity.

Recognizing the reality that education without co-curricular activities is incomplete, Disneyland has given due priority to them and made its students able to show their talents in various occasion. As a school with a tradition of academic excellence, the school works to create an environment that fosters Reason Respect and Responsibility in young minds.

At Disneyland, the academic approach is interdisciplinary, experiential and collaborative. It believes in building a positive environment which cultivates critically thinking individuals who want to learn and to grow into co-operative, loving, confident, concerned global citizens.

  • Established 2063 B.S.
  • private Institution
  • 061-467280, 061-467281


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