Ratna Jyoti Secondary School

Ratna Jyoti Secondary School

Pokhara-8, Ratnachowk, Pokhara, Kaski


Ratna Jyoti Secondary School is located in Pokhara-8, Ratnachowk, Kaski. With affiliation from National Examination Board (NEB) the school is offering +2 in Science and Management. 

Having realized the need of quality education in higher secondary level in Pokhara, Ratna Jyoti Secondary School, established in 1998, extended higher secondary level education. The School has been delivering the best results, and it takes a pride about its amazingly tranquil environment for ideal academic institution. 

Ratna Jyoti Secondary School aims not only to impart quality education but also to develop students' potentials for higher education in student-friendly environment which help them bring changes in society. Moreover, the school is very excited and happy to announce the result of class XI board exam in which our student Mr. Jeetendra Dev Chhetri has secured the first position among the schools of HISSAN, Kaski.

The student population reflects the diversity found in the ethnic, cultural, and economic realities of the county, and the Ratna Jyoti Secondary School encourages this diversity in the composition of its student body. 


Shree Ratna Jyoti Higher Secondary School aims to provide world-class quality education to the children . In accordance with the Educational Policy of the Government of Nepal, the school has the aim of fulfilling the following objectives:

  • To impart quality education
  • To produce manpower to provide able leadership in the various institutions nationally and internationally
  • To produce loyal, capable and trustworthy manpower who can shoulder the responsibilities of developing the country
  • To promote good conduct, high sense of morality, feelings of nationalism and discipline


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