Milestone International Secondary School

Milestone International Secondary School

Balkumari, Lalitpur


Milestone International Secondary School is run under the management of the Himal Educational Foundation and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. It is established by a team of professionals having expertise in the educational sector. Milestone International Secondary School has earned its reputation as one of the best educational institutions. It aims to produce the most talented and skilled human resources required for the country. It has carved its niche as a center of excellence in the field of education and skilled-oriented training.


The Himal Educational Foundation and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd has four multi-storeyed earthquake resistant buildings constructed on its own land with enough open space for sports, garden, parking and for emergency. The land and buildings have ensured financial sustainability of the college which is located at Balkumari, Lalitpur adjoining to the Ring Road.

Human Resources

The faculties and the human resources at Milestone International Secondary School are among the best in their respective disciplines. Besides expertise, they bring a rare degree of empathy transforming students into outstanding executives and leaders. Milestone International Secondary School aims to develop itself as one of the best educational institutions in the country. It puts its best efforts to empower students by imparting knowledge and skills through modern pedagogy.

Career Counselling and Facilitation Services

Milestone International Secondary School recognizes that while its mission is education, it is important to provide a good start to one’s own career. The Centre of Career Counselling and Facilitation Services (CCCFS) of Milestone International Secondary School provides counselling services to students to prepare themselves as the best, offers training and counselling on need base and ensures that every student has potential to lead in terms of their professional career. Apart from classroom based theoretical teaching, respective teachers/instructors shall encourage students to prepare field reports and research-based project papers enabling them to gain confidence in research and writing skills.


Our ultimate vision is to transform Milestone International Secondary School into a model institution for higher studies and to provide the students with practical skills and trainings that help them enhance self-confidence, self-reliance and find better opportunity in the global market.


Our mission is to produce competent human resources who can excel in the field of their studies; grow themselves as independent human beings; develop critical faculty, research and analytical skill as well as tackle challenges in the fast-changing world. 

Salient Features

Why Milestone?

  • Highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching faculties.
  • Visiting professors, scholars and experts.
  • Student friendly non negotiable learning environment.
  • Personal cum career counseling for Nepal and abroad.
  • Regular visits and internships to the related institutions as required by the syllabus.
  • Modern teaching pedagogy with the provision of work-shop, seminars and interaction programs.
  • High tech computer lab with a reliable networking system and unlimited internet facility.
  • Spacious, carpeted and multimedia equipped classrooms.
  • Well-stocked library with a number of textbooks, reference materials, newspapers and journals.
  • Various extracurricular activities.
  • Extra tutorial by concerned faculties.
  • Experts facilitating research services to the students.
  • Career Counselling.
  • Robotics clubs.
  • Intensive Pre-medical / Pre-engineering classes from experts.
  • Management lab.

Admission Guidelines


Students who have passed SEE or equivalent examinations with minimum B grade in aggregate are eligible to apply for Science stream and with minimum C+ grade are eligible to apply for Management and Humanities. They are required to appear into written entrance examination followed by an interview along with their parents/guardians. Only those who get through the entrance test will be eligible for the enrollment.

How to apply

Students can obtain application form from the reception desk at Milestone Int’l College. The applicants can also download the application form from the college website ( and submit it to the college upon payment.

When to apply

Admission procedures start right after the SEE results. So we encourage the aspiring students to apply at the earliest. All applications need to be submitted to the college prior to the deadline set by the college. 

Things to submit

The students must produce the following documents:

  1. Two passport sized color photographs
  2. Copies of SEE Grade and Character Certificate
  3. A receipt of application processing fee set by the
  4. college


Milestone International Secondary School offers special scholarship package to deserving and meritorious students; children of martyrs, marginalized communities, the Dalits and those from the nomadic and tribal communities such as the Rautes and the Chepangs.



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