Korea Nepal Institute of Technology

Korea Nepal Institute of Technology

Tamnagar 14, Butwal, Rupandehi


Korea Nepal Institute of Technology is located in Tamnagar 14, Butwal, Rupandehi. It is a constituent technical institute of CTEVT. It was established under the mutual cooperation of Nepal and Republic of Korea in 2010. All the financial and technical support for the establishment of the institute is donated by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) under Government of Republic Korea. 

The aim of Korea Nepal Institute of Technology is to produce basic and middle-level high tech professional workforce/expert according to the need of nation and overseas. By promoting income-generating activities this institute has the plan to grow up with self-reliance management. 

The institute has planned to establish Industry School Cooperation system. Nowadays, to support the objectives of this institution, KNIT is growing as a high technology based institute under CTEVT.


Korea Nepal Institute of Technology will be recognized as the advanced technical institution in Nepal.


Korea Nepal Institute of Technology produces qualified technical and vocational education to needy people for employment.


  • Maintain an open avenue of communication among departments, students, stakeholders and line agencies at the institutions involved.
  • Offer technical and vocational programs in the engineering and technology fields.
  • Update curricula, programs, and courses in response to market needs.
  • Enroll qualitative students by using various media and awareness programs.
  • Provide academic advising, counseling, and placement.
  • Sustain institute by income generation activities.
  • Provide an opportunity for professional development, supporting individual, departmental and institute-wide.
  • Establish Industry-School Cooperation (ISC) system with business and industry in order to provide real-world experience and employment.
  • Provide the required institutional support and access to students, instructors, and staffs to realize the full potential advantages of technology.
  • Provide a comfortable teaching-learning environment and facilities that stimulate the learning process.
  • Maintain human resource and physical facilities.
  • Achieve the goals contained in the Master Plan of KNIT.

  • public Institution
  • 071-450004
  • info@knit.edu.np


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Karnali Technical School
  • Ghughuti 5, Chandannath, Chandannath, Jumla
Rapti Technical School
Rapti Technical School
  • Baghdhaddi-8, Lalmatiya, Rapti, Dang
Bheri Technical School
Bheri Technical School
  • Nepalgunj Industrial Estate, Nepalgunj, Banke
School of Health Science-Bharatpur
School of Health Science-Bharatpur
  • Bharatpur-10, Bharatpur, Chitwan


Siddhartha Medical Institute
Siddhartha Medical Institute
  • Butwal, RupandehiApprox 7500m away
Lumbini Institute of Technical Sciences
Lumbini Institute of Technical Sciences
  • Sukkhanagar-10, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 7700m away
Everest English Boarding Secondary School
Everest English Boarding Secondary School
  • Sukkhanagar, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 8300m away
Kanchanjangha Polytechnic
Kanchanjangha Polytechnic
  • Butwal, RupandehiApprox 14900m away
Lumbini Technical Institute
Lumbini Technical Institute
  • Tillottama-2, Butwal, RupandehiApprox 14900m away