Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

3 years

Colleges offering Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering under CTEVT

This course is based on the job required to perform by an electronics technician at different related industries and organizations in Nepal. The diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program extends over three years. Each year is divided into two semesters. There are six semesters within the period of three years. This curriculum includes the core subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics applicable in the field of engineering. It also includes Nepali and English subjects for the communication. The course structure and the subject wise contents that reflect the details of the curriculum. In short, the aim of this curriculum is to produce competent and highly employable middle level technical workforce in the field of electronics engineering. The contents of individual subjects prescribed in the curriculum are incorporated in the light of "must to know and must to do" principle.


This curriculum has following objectives:

1. To produce middle level competent technical workforce/human resource (Technical and Supervisory staffs) in Electronics Engineering with specialization in the following areas;

· Communication

· Digital electronics, and

· Medical equipment (electronics)

2. To prepare such technicians who are able to work in the local industrial settings of the country.

3. To prepare such technical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.

4. To help meet the demand of such technical workforce for the industries of Nepal.

5. To reduce the dependence on employing such technicians from foreign countries.


Secured at least grade C in Compulsory Mathematics, and Compulsory Science and Grade D+ in English in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.

Admission Criteria

Entry criteria:

  • SLC or equivalent with English, Science, and Mathematics or related TSLC
  • Should pass the entrance examination.
  • Physically fit for the program.

Selection: Applicants fulfilling the entry criteria are selected for admission on the basis of merit.

Job Prospects

After the completion of this Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering course, a student will gain knowledge in basic electronics field and will gain knowledge in television broadcasting, FM and AM radio broadcasting, wireless mobile communication, telecommunication equipments and electrical equipment like transformer, solar energy system and computer.

Employment avenues exist in radio, television, telecommunication and airline. Self employment opportunities are also rapidly increasing in this field.

Curricular Structure

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Curriculum: CTEVT

Semester and Courses Semester and Courses

First Semester

Communication Nepali

Communication English

Engineering Mathematics I

Engineering Physics I

Engineering Drawing I

Engineering Chemistry I

Workshop Technology I

Electrical Engineering

Second Semester

Engineering Mathematics II

Engineering Physics II

Engineering Drawing II

Engineering Chemistry II

Workshop Technology II

Electrical Engineering

Introduction to Computer

Electronic Device and Circuits I

Third Semester

Logic circuit

Electronic Devices and Circuits II

Electronics Drawing

Engineering Mathematics III

Electronic Fabrication Techniques

Electrical Measurements

Electrical Installation

Network Filters and Transmission Lines

Fourth Semester

Principles of Communication Engineering

Electronic Device and Circuits III

Introduction to Microprocessors

Electronics Instruments and Measurement

Instrumentation and Control

Social Studies

Industrial Electronics

Industrial Management

Entrepreneurship Development

Fifth Semester

Basic Medical Electronics Troubleshooting

Maintenance of Electronic Equipments

Imaging Technology and Equipment

Product Design and Development

Integrated Digital Electronics

PC Organisation

Six Semester

Medical Electronic- I

Medical Electronic- II



Major Project (Industry based)