Shiksha Bikash English Boarding Secondary School

Shiksha Bikash English Boarding Secondary School

Ratnanagar 13, Jayamangala, Ratnanagar, Chitwan



Shiksha Bikash English Boarding Secondary School is located at Ratnanagar-13, Jayamangala, Chitwan. The educational institution is providing quality education since 2052 B.S.  The school is committed to maintain academic excellence and ensure achievements affordably.

Shiksha Bikash English Boarding Secondary School offers classes from Nursery to Grade 10 and Ten Plus Two program in Management. The Ten Plus Two program is run under the affiliation of National Examination Board (NEB).


  • Ensuring overall development of personality.
  • Imparting education in the most congenial and inspiring atmosphere.
  • Focusing the learner-centered system rather than teacher/exam centered system.
  • Proving quality education according to the need of time affordable.


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