Rato Bangala School

Rato Bangala School

Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur

Rato Bangala School is a co-educational school with a dual program for students and instructors under the UNESCO award-winning Rato Bangala Foundation. Rato Bangala School was founded in 1992 in Lalitpur, Nepal. The school works collaboratively with parents and the community to make learning meaningful.

The Rato Bangala Foundation (RBF), a non-profit organization, was founded in 2002 to promote the Rato Bangala experience to a larger public. The Foundation has trained hundreds of teachers in over several districts of Nepal.

The Ministry of Education of Nepal has accredited the school, as has the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).




RBS encourages students to learn for the rest of their lives. It believes that academic excellence should be accompanied by social and emotional development. It helps to develop confident and articulate individuals who are committed to justice and development through our rigorous and stimulating curriculum.


RBS believes in cultivating critical thinking and innovative lifelong learners who embrace and adapt to challenges, thrive in an ever-changing world, and grow into compassionate and socially committed open-minded global citizens.


RBS believes that experiential learning is the best way for children to learn. Working with and interacting with the material, as well as collaborating with others, allows them to gain a thorough understanding of concepts. These experiences aid in their understanding of the world and prepare them for adulthood.

Salient Features

  • The school has alibrary that is the nerve center of the school and provides a curated collection of Nepali and English literature;
  • A Reading Room well stocked with picture books for children and audio visuals is also provided for the students reading pleasures;
  • The Kamalmani Theater which seats 450 people is used regularly for special lectures, theater, assembly, conferences and  external examinations;
  • An Audio Visual Room that can seat up to 60 people is also regularly used by students and guest lectureres for their presentations;
  • The school provides a STEAM Lab that is dedicated to encouraging students to explore and experiment using the principles of engineering, design thinking, coding, robotics, and technology;
  • The school has 3 state-of-the-art Art and Design classrooms that allow students to explore their creative sides including pottery;.
  • The school also consists of a Wood Workshop that is especially popular with students and used to design and craft creative pieces of work;
  • The school has 5 well-equipped Science Labs and 3 Computer Labs where students have ample facilities;
  • The school has a well maintained playground, basketball court, and tennis sport. There are also 3 small footsal courts and a large football field;
  • The Rato Bangala School Area consists of five spacious school buildings, a cowshed, wooded area, plaza, dining hall, and a vegetable, flower and herb garden within the premises;
  • A separate Music Room and 2 Dance Rooms are also provided within the school and are well-equipped.

Admission Guidelines

Rato Bangala School admits a new class of Pre-kindergarten and A-Level students each year. As a result, the majority of its admissions are in pre-kindergarten and A Level. If there are any vacancies in other grades, the school will admit students whose names are on the Waiting List. There may be very few seats available in Kindergarten and Grade 1.



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