Panini is located at Pepsicola, Town Planning, Khahare. Panini Education Network (PEN) acquired the school named Panini School which was established in 2074 B.S. (2017 AD). Panini School is founded by a team of dedicated and renowned dynamic educationists. The motto of Panini School, PEN is to produce skilled human resources by providing formal school education coupled with technical education named as Pentagon Technical College and Cambridge College of Engineering affiliated to CTEVT.
Panini School aims to equip future generation with the knowledge of physical world along with positive vibration including spiritual, physical and mental growth. The personal care and team spirit are the core strengths of Panini School which encourage us to reach an apex of best school in Kathmandu Nepal in continuously provided world class best education. Committed professional teachers are very much instrumental to implement Panini’s Curriculum including every designed extra curricular activity as per the school calendar.
Panini school has adopted Sanskrit education for empowering the students with Techinique of ancient Vaidek Science with modern technology. Therefore, attaining knowledge over any of the languages (including English ),mother tongue plays a vital role to incorporate quality language which has been proved on scientific basis. Since Sanskrit is the base of most of the languages spoken or written it is very important.
Beyond the books at Panini SchoolFor overall development the ECA programs are designed in such a way that each student grow a complete personality .
Regular Public Speaking
Once in everyday to a mass to avoid xynophobia and to develop confident.
Rehearse ( Voice therapy )
The concept behind this is , not only to make a child vocalist but to bring clarity in voice while delivering or conversing speech.
Sports friendly school
Wide range of sports facilities are provided in which each student must undergo with games and sports on regular basis . The programs designed are taken place in the evenings after all the school activities are over.
Handwriting an academic image of student
Pattern cursive writing with updated version for Ist to Xth standard . The motto behind this is to bring uniformity and recognization to his/her personality .
Inter-action with nature
Human growth and education need an adequate exposure with nature around us. PEN has set up the following programs in regular manner .
Regular swimmingFor the physical and mental development
PEN Organic Farming: School involves students not only for producing organic but helps students to play with mud and the other vegetation.
Botanical Garden
A close reference for practical knowledge , different identities of plants are nourished under the guidance of teachers and students.
Prosperous culture and our tradition integrated with PEN curriculum
Sanskrit LanguageSchool prioritizes on developing excellent into students as it not only helps students learn language it also helps students to capitalize with good moral character .
YogaIt has been particularly designed aiming at perfection in every individual , as Pranayam strengthens the whole system of body and Meditation develops patience & concentration which in total forms best discipline amongst students , trains to love and respect like those ancient days of Gurukul. Motivates towards respect & dignity of our social bondings.