Kaushal English Boarding School

Tarkeshwor-8, Tarakeshwor, Kathmandu



Kaushal English Secondary was established in Tarkeshwor-8, Jaranku, Nepal, in 2002 with 100 students and 10 staff members. In 2007, a new team took leadership, committed to grooming Nepali students to be analytical, critical thinkers, self-motivated, and creative. To make learning effective, applied, and relevant, the school has employed an observatory learning approach since its inception.

Today, Kaushal English High School is one of the leading schools in Tarkeshwor Municipality of Kathmandu, Nepal, with more than 1200 students, offering quality education and co-educational activities. Since 2018, it has provided qualitative +2 programs in management.

The school utilizes various learning techniques, including audio-visual methods, onsite observation, participatory learning approaches, and extracurricular activities. Teachers receive training from various experts to enhance their teaching quality and techniques. By avoiding physical punishment, the school offers inspirational suggestions and motivational classes for students. The organization focuses on modern education systems for the new era. Kaushal stands for academic accomplishment, fostering an environment that promotes academic achievement. Student requirements and academic support are closely integrated.

Kaushal has excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities. Students consistently achieve top results in the SLC/SEE exams, with many attaining top positions within the Organization of Private Schools (OPS). Graduates have secured scholarships and achieved excellent results in higher education, both domestically and abroad. The educational establishment is managed by a devoted, highly qualified, dedicated, and self-motivated team of professionals.


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