Deneb Academy

Deneb Academy

Thapgaun, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu


Deneb Academy is located at ThapaGaun, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Deneb Academy was established  in 2049 B.S with a guiding motto of "HONESTY & DIGNITY." Deneb is a co-educational institution that has classes from Nursery to Class 10. Denver Academy inspires and empowers diverse learners through student-centered, differentiated and transformative education.

Deneb seeks to develop a full personality and to bring out the talents of students through a wide range of extracurricular activities for their own benefit as well as for the society as a whole.Deneb provides a healthy environment and good Boarding Facilities.



  • private School
  • 01-4492338, 01-4491557


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