The British School

The British School

Jhamsikhel, Nepal, Lalitpur

The British School was founded in Nepal in 1966 AD by a group of British and Commonwealth parents who wanted their children to receive a British-style education. It is a fee-paying, non-profit, independent international school that offers the English National Curriculum and employs full-time staff from the United Kingdom (including the Principal). Students from Foundation 1 to A Levels are accommodated at the school. From Foundation 1 to Year 6, the International Primary Curriculum is taught alongside the National Curriculum for Mathematics and English. For IGCSE and A-Level exams, Cambridge International Examinations and Edexcel syllabi are used (CIE is a part of the UCLES Examinations Board).



The British School is situated in Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur. It offers A-level courses to its students and is associated with Cambridge University.

The school currently accepts students from 40 different countries who all use English as their primary language of instruction. The school is well-equipped and currently has more than 500 students enrolled. As a staff, we are devoted to the school's multicultural components. We value each student and the wealth of experience and culture that they each bring to the school as a whole because we are an inclusive institution. 

The school is a member of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) as well as Quality Kathmandu Schools (QKS). 


  • Provide an outstanding education in an inclusive and international school where staff, students, and parents work together in a safe, caring, and respectful community.


TBS has the vision to help develop young people who strive for excellence and are kind, through an emphasis on:

  • Challenge: students are inspired to take risks and push the boundaries of their perceived capabilities to achieve personal excellence.
  • Creativity: students are encouraged to develop their imagination to allow for inventiveness and innovation.
  • Confidence: students have assured communicators, able to appropriately express their ideas, opinions, and individuality with integrity.
  • Compassion: students are empathetic, considerate, and kind, creating a warm, welcoming, and collaborative environment.
  • Community: students have a positive impact on the local and global community as a result of a mature awareness of local and global issues and personal responsibility.

Salient Features

The buildings consist of a large house that has been retrofitted and converted for our purposes which consists of the primary classrooms, an ICT suite with five full-time support staff, and a small Food Technology area. There are also a number of purpose-built blocks that include:

  • A custom-built assembly and sports hall with a stage.
  • A purpose-built Performing Arts Center with a fully equipped Drama hall and 2 Music areas with various small music and drama practice rooms.
  • A purpose-built Secondary Section that houses an ICT suite, 3 laboratories (of which 2 are new in October 2016), 3 English rooms, 3 Humanities classrooms, and four subject-based classrooms.
  • A purpose-built two-story Library.
  • A Sixth Form Centre with social space, office for the Head of Sixth Form, and 5 seminar-style Sixth Form teaching rooms.
  • The attractive grounds also contain three basketball courts, cricket nets, two Astroturf pitches for sports and play, a covered dance studio, various modern play areas for primary, and a duck pond!

The British Schools follow various policies and procedures to manage every aspect needed to conduct a well-managed school.

  • TBS Admission Policy and Procedure

  • Safeguarding Policy

  • TBS Health Safety Policy and Procedure

  • TBS Learning Policy

  • Transition Policy and Procedure

  • Anti-bullying Policy

  • Sick or Injured Students' Policy or Procedure

  • Positive Behavior Policy and Procedure

  • International Primary Curriculum Policy

  • Inclusion at TBS

  • Food Policy

  • Air Quality Policy

  • Traffic and Car Park Procedure

  • Site Supervision

  • Visitors and Volunteers Procedure

  • Intimate Personal Care Policy and Procedure

  • Image Use Policy

  • Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure

  • Curriculum Policy

  • Primary Sex & Relationships Education (SRE) Policy and Program

  • TBS Feedback and Marking Policy and Procedure

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

  • Complaints Procedure

  • TBS – Head Lice Policy and Procedure (Including Sample E Letter)

  • TBS Anti-harassment Policy

  • TBS School Counseling Policy and  Procedure

  • Primary School Student Code of Conduct

  • Safer Recruitment Policy and Procedure

  • Additional Learning Needs – Policy and Procedure

Admission Guidelines

  • Complete the Online Registration forms,Medical information forms and EAL Pupil Profile, which can be downloaded from our website.
  • Supply the school with a copy of your child’s birth certificate and passport. Achild must have a valid dependent visa to get admission to the school.
  • If your son/daughter has been to school before,submit a copy of the last two years' school reports and the contact details of the Principal or relevant class teacher.
  • Pay the non-refundable registration fee of £200 per child.Please contact the Admission Manager in case of Nepali parents who do not have access to foreign currency.
  • This process will then place the children on our waiting list. The date of registration is part of the process for awarding places as and when they become available.
  • When a place becomes available The TBS Admissions Manager will contact parents. 
  • Children of all ages will be invited to participate in an age-appropriate entry assessment. This is needed in part to ensure a smooth and fully supported transition of the child into TBS. 
  • Where there is English as an Additional Language (EAL) needs then a further assessment may be required by our Additional Learning Needs Support Coordinator to ensure the school can meet the child’s needs.

Please Note: In the absence of any of the above information, the admissions application will not be processed further.


Students that have financial problems, can fill up the Scholarship Financial Declaration Form to qualify for financial aid.

  • Cambridge GCE A Levels
  • Established 1966 AD
  • private School
  • 01-5421794, 01-5422012, 01-5444442, 01-5448041, 01-5431010


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