Bidhyadhishwari Secondary School

Ashrang, Bagmati, Lalitpur


Bidhyadhishwari Secondary School is located in Ashrang-6, Lalitpur according to Teach for Nepal,350 students are enrolled at present.

Education activist late Mr Sheshananda Ghimire had initiated to establish the Bidhyadhishwari Secondary School in 2020 BS (1963 AD) as a primary school. It was upgraded as lower secondary, secondary and secondary school in 2041 BS (1948 AD), 2053 BS (1996 AD) and 2067 BS (2010 AD) respectively.

The Bidhyadhishwari Secondary School is located in Ashrang VDC, one of the furthest, in the south of Lalitpur. It is connected with graveled road 70 km far from the district headquarter. Regular bus service is available from Chapagaun and Tata Sumo is available from Chapagaun to Ashrang. Mini trucks carrying goods can be found frequently.

The catchment areas of the school are most parts of Ashrang VDC and some of Manthali, Makawanpur. Students have to walk up to 3 hours to reach the school. There used to be a hostel but it collapsed during the earthquake. They belong to diverse communities including Brahmins, Chhetris, Tamangs, Magars and very few are Dalits. The population comprises mostly of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians.

Salient Features

Number of students who appeared in the SLC Examinations in the last three years and pass percentage:


No. of students who appeared in the examinations

No. of passed students

No. of students scoring 1st Division

2071 BS (2014 AD)




2070 BS (2013 AD)




2069 BS (2012 AD)






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Mahakali Devi Secondary School
  • Bhattedanda, Bagmati, LalitpurApprox 9540000m away
Devi   Secondary School Lalitpur
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  • Devichaur, Bagmati, LalitpurApprox 9542400m away
Chhampi Devi Secondary School
Chhampi Devi Secondary School
  • Chhampi, Bagmati, LalitpurApprox 9545500m away
Nepal Montessori Training Centre
Nepal Montessori Training Centre
  • Khumaltar, Satdobato, Bagmati, LalitpurApprox 9547500m away