Bhadrakali Secondary School, established in 1951 AD and named after the renowned Bhadrakali Temple, is a premier educational institution in Pokhara. Approved as a secondary school in 1984 AD, it has consistently provided high-quality education, overcoming numerous challenges to become a cornerstone of modern education in the region. In affiliation with the National Examination Board (NEB), the school offers comprehensive academic ten plus two (10+2) programs in Humanities, Education, and Management (in Nepali and English) and Science classes, all conducted during the daytime since 2012.
Dedicated to delivering clean, pleasant, high-quality education, Bhadrakali Secondary School employs qualified, experienced teachers who utilize modern and scientific teaching methods. The school focuses on providing employment-oriented, practical education in a healthy learning environment, fostering its students' bright futures, good conduct, and skilled personality development. With a commitment to uncovering and developing student potential, Bhadrakali Secondary School remains a beacon of quality education in Pokhara.