Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MPH under Tribhuvan University
The master in Public Health (MPH) program aims to prepare public health specialists to comprehend existing and emerging public health problems and provide leadership in health-related education, services, and research.
MPH course is designed to enable multidisciplinary health professionals to upgrade their competency, especially in achieving PHC goals. After completing the course, graduates are expected to be leaders, essentially as generalists with preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, and management abilities.
In addition, the goal is to provide public health specialists with the ability to comprehend existing and emerging public health problems in the country, to plan and manage the health services efficiently and effectively, to provide leadership and expert counseling on health, and to conduct social, demographic, clinical, and biomedical research.
Objectives of MPH Programme:
- To prepare public health specialists with a n ability to comprehend existing and emerging public health problems.
- To plan and manage the programme alternative to solve them optimally,
- To intensity PHC activities at all levels.
- To provide leadership in health related education, service and research.
- Specific Objective:
After the completion of the course the public health professionals will be able to cope with:
- Promotion of public awareness and initiatives towards healthier living through organization of health promotion and disease prevention activities;
- Management of medical health services particularly as public ehalth manager in rural and urban areas;
- Leadership in health and related fields;
- Inter-and intra-sectoral co-ordination in health;
- Initiation of community health development programmes;
- Competency based health manpower development at district, zonal, regional and national levels and different universities;
- Identification and training of health workers and volunteers;
- Their own different roles as community health and PHC practitioners with balanced academic and vocational attributes;
- Monitoring, supervision and evaluation of health promotion, disease prevention, health care and rehabilitaton programmes;
- Conduction of epidemiological, clinical, biomedical, social, behavioural, and education research and operations research and systems analysis;
- Role as expert, advisor or counselor in health services, education and research;
- Planning and management of health aspects of natural and man made disasters and;
- Pursuing further advanced studies.
Salient Features
The duration of the course will be of one academic year.
Commencement of the Course:
The course will begin from the second of Baishak (mid April) each year. The final examination will be held in the month of Chaitra (mid March).
Student Evaluation:
Students’ evaluation will be done throughout the course with continuous modular assessment. This will consist of internal assessments having a weight of 20%. The students will sit for the comprehensive examination at the end of their one-year course. There will be final examination of nine compulsory theory papers (paper I to IX) each carrying 100 marks. The qualifying marks for the theory courses will be 50% in each subject including electives, and for dissertation it will 60%. To appear in the examination 90% attendance is required in each semester.
The marking on thesis will be 20% including preparation, methodology and development, implementation and data analysis. Thirty percent would be on experts evaluation of the thesis presented and fifty percent or orals.
Theoretical examination will consist of long essay, short essay and multiple choice questions, practical and oral questions would be valued according to performance, interpretation and presentation. Each examiner in the practical and oral papers will mark the papers separately and the marks will be averaged at the end.
A student must pass all the examinations (Papers I to IX) and fulfill the requirement for the dissertation (Paper X), She/he should do research work under the guidance of designated supervisor (S) and write the dissertation as per format prescribed by T.U. and successfully defend his research work to be able to receive the MPH degree. All students have to appear for the qualifying examination after meeting the requirement of all subjects and successfully defending his research work. If a student is unable to do so, she/he will have to resit the examination with the forthcoming batch.
- MBBS, BDS, BPH, BN/BNS/BSc. Nursing, B.Sc MLT/BMLT, BAMS, B.Pharmacy, B.Optometry, B.V.Sc. BASLP or equivalent from institutions recognized by the government of Nepal.
- Registered either in Nepal Medical Council, Nepal Nursing Council, Nepal Health Professional Council, Nepal Pharmacy Council, Nepal Ayurveda Council or Nepal Veterinary Council.
- Candidate should score a minimum of 50% (Pass Marks) in the Entrance Examinations conducted by Medical Education Commission for being eligible to be on the merit list.
Exam Format
- Single best response type with multiple-choice questions
- Four options (A, B, C, D)
- No of questions: 200
- Recall: Understanding: Application- 30:50:20
- Duration- 3 hours including one-time voluntary toilet break.
S.No. | Subjects | Marks |
1 | Biostatistics | 30 |
2 | Epidemiology | 30 |
3 | Health Promotion and Education | 20 |
4 | Food and Nutrition | 20 |
5 | Research Methodology | 12 |
6 | Basic Medical Science | 8 |
7 | Demography and Health Informatics | 8 |
8 | Public Health and Primary Health | 8 |
9 | Environmental Health and Occupational Health | 8 |
10 | Family Health and Reproductive Health | 8 |
11 | Global Health and International Health | 8 |
12 | Sociology and Anthropology | 8 |
13 | Public Health Administration and Management | 8 |
14 | Health System Management | 8 |
15 | Project Planning, Development, Implementation and Evaluation | 8 |
16 | Health Economics and Health Financing | 8 |
Total | 200 |
Admission Criteria
Selection for admission
- All Nepalese/Foreign students will have to appear in common entrance examination.
- Merit list for Nepalese/Foreign students will be published separately.
- Must secure a minimum of 50% marks in entrance examinations.
- Admission will be on merit basis in open house counseling wherever applicable.
Curricular Structure
Course Outline:
Public health curriculum will consist of 10 papers, each carrying 100 marks-Public Health Papers I to IV will be taught in the first semester (3 months duration), Public Health Paper V to VII will be taught during the second semester (3 months duration). Public Health Paper IX is Health Systems Management and Public Health Paper X is dissertation. Research Proposal development will start during the second semester. Data collection, analysis and report writing will be carried out during 3rd and 4th semesters. T/L activities will include lecture, seminar Presentation, proposal development for writing dissertation, data collection (field research), data analysis and writing report.
Course Structure:
Modules of the Course
- Paper I Epidemiology
- Paper II Biostatistics and computer Application
- Paper III Environmental Health and Disease Control
- Paper IV Medical Sociology, Anthropology and Population Studentes
- Paper V Family Health
- Paper VI Health Promotion and health education.
- Paper VII International Health and Primary Health Care
- Paper VIII Research Methods in Health Sciences
- Paper IX Health Systems management
- Paper X Dissertation