Entrance Exams
Colleges offering Diploma in Electrical Engineering under CTEVT
This curriculum of Diploma in Electrical Engineering is of three years duration with six semesters based on the semester system.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering course of CTEVT is designed to produce middle level competent electrical workforce equipped with knowledge and skills related to the specialization areas of Product Design, Maintenance Engineering, Power Generation Engineering and Industrial Engineering under Electrical engineering so as to meet the demand of such workforce in the country and to contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction of this country of Nepal.
Currently 16 different Technical schools are given affiliation by CTEVT to offer diploma in Electrical Engineering course. Annual enrollment capacity of Nepalese colleges in Diploma in Electrical Engineering is 732 students.
Course Objectives of Diploma in Electrical Engineering:
This curriculum has following Course Objectives:
1. To produce middle level competent electrical workforce/human resource (Technical and Supervisory staffs) in Electrical Engineering with specialization in the following areas;
- Installation of Electrical Systems
- Power System
- Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives
- Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Equipments
2. To prepare such electrical technicians who are able to work in the local industrial settings of the country.
3. To prepare such electrical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.
4. To help to meet the demand of such electrical workforce for the industries of Nepal.
5. To reduce the dependence on employing electrical technicians from foreign countries.
Salient Features
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali.
Course Duration
The total duration of this program is three years. Each year consists of two semesters of six months. Moreover, one semester consists of 19.5 academic weeks including the evaluation period. Actual teaching learning hours will be not less than 15 weeks in each semester.
Pattern of Attendance
Minimum 90% of attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
Pass Marks
The students must secure minimum 40% marks both in theory and practical (lab). Moreover, the students must secure minimum40% marks in the internal assessment and 40% in the final semester examination of each subject to pass all subjects offered in each semester.
Grading System
The following grading system will be adopted:
- Distinction : > or =80 %
- First division : 65 % to < 80 %
- Second division : 50 % to 65 %
- Pass : 40 % to < 50 %
Certificate Award
- Students who have passed all the components of all subjects of all six semesters are considered to have successfully completed the course.
- Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded with a degree of Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
Secured at least grade C in Compulsory Mathematics, and Compulsory Science and Grade D+ in English in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.
Admission Criteria
- SLC or equivalent with English, Science, and Mathematics or related TSLC
- Should pass the entrance examination.
- Appropriate fitness required by the program.
Job Prospects
After the completion of Diploma in Electrical Engineering course, a student will gain knowledge in basic principles of electricity, electrical circuit and machine operation as well as small hydropower operation and maintenance of home appliances; under this course a student can get knowledge in industrial electricity maintaining, supervision of power transmission distribution etc.
Employment opportunity exists in Electricity Authority, Industries, Hotels, Airlines, Telecommunication, Provide hydropower projects etc.
Curricular Structure
Diploma in Electrical Engineering Curriculum: CTEVT
Semester and Courses | Semester and Courses |
First Semester Communication Nepali Communication English Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics I Engineering Drawing I Engineering Chemistry I Applied Mechanics Workshop Practice I |
Second Semester Engineering Mathematics II Engineering Physics II Engineering Drawing II Engineering Chemistry II Workshop Practice II Computer Application I Safety Rules and Regulation Principles of Electrical Engineering |
Third Semester Computer Programming Basic Electronics Civil Construction and Survey Electrical and Electronics Engineering Material Electric Circuit Theory Elements of Engineering Economics Electrical Installation I Electrical Engineering Drawing I |
Fourth Semester Social Studies Computer Aided Drawing Electronic Device and Logic Circuits Electrical Installation II Electrical Engineering Drawing II Electrical Machines I Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power |
Fifth Semester Design Estimating and Costing Switch Gear and Protections Power Electronics Electrical Machines II Utilization of Electrical Energy Control System Components Electrical Repair and Maintenance I Minor Project |
Sixth Semester Organization and Management Power Stations Project Power System Operation and Maintenance Electrical Repair and Maintenance II Industrial Attachment Entrepreneurship Development Elective-Micro Hydro |