Entrance Exams
Colleges offering BSc Agriculture under Tribhuvan University
The aim of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program is to train academically competent and practical oriented professional agriculturists. The B. Sc. Agriculture program is an eight semester (four-year) course after I. Sc. (Basic Science) or I. Sc. (Agriculture). In the first three years most of the courses are from basic core agricultural disciplines. In the fourth year, elective courses are offered to provide the students an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the areas of their interest. Field practical’s, project works and study visits are part of the academic curriculum. The students must fulfill four years of residential learning to complete the requirements of B. Sc. Ag. curriculum.
Students with I.Sc. (Basic Science) or I.Sc. (Agriculture) with compulsory English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology securing a minimum of 50 percent marks in aggregate from Tribhuvan University or from other recognized universities and boards are eligible for admission to B.Sc. Agriculture program. Selection for admission is on a merit basis through an entrance examination.
Curricular Structure
Course Structure
Semester (Credit Hours) | Semester (Credit Hours) |
SEMESTER 1 EXT 111 Rural Sociology 2+0 BCH 111 General Biochemistry 2+1 AEC 111 Principles of Economics 2+0 AGR 111 Principles of Agronomy 2+1 HRT 111 Introductory Horticulture 2+1 SSC 111 Fundamentals of Soil Science and Geology 2+1 LPM 111 Introductory Animal Science 2+1 WEP 111 Work Experience Program 0+1 14+6 |
SEMESTER 2 PPH 121 Introductory Crop Physiology 2+1 MIB 121 Agricultural Microbiology 2+1 AEC 121 Farm Management, Production Economics and Planning 2+1 AGR 121 Cereal Crop Production 2+1 HRT 121 Ornamental Horticulture 2+1 SSC 121 Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrient Management 2+1 LPM 121 Ruminant Production 1+1 WEP 121 Work Experience Program 0+1 13+8 |
SEMESTER 3 ECO 211 Environmental Sciences and Agro-Ecology 2+1 AEC 211 Agricultural and Environmental Economics 2+0 AGR 211 Grain Legumes and Oilseed Production 1+1 ENT 211 Introductory Entomology 2+1 HRT 211 Fruit and Plantation Crop Production 2+1 GEN 211 Introductory Genetics 2+1 LPM 211 Pig and Poultry Production 1+1 AMT 211 Introductory Agrometeorology 2+0 AQU 211 Introductory Ichthyology 1+1 15+7 |
SEMESTER 4 AGR 221 Commercial Crops 2+1 AGR 222 Principles and Practices of Seed Technology 2+1 AST 221 Agricultural Statistics 2+1 HRT 221 Vegetable and Spice Crop Production 2+1 PLB 221 Introductory Plant Breeding 2+1 SSC 221 Soil Physics, Genesis and Classification 1+1 AEN 221 Farm Power and Machinery 2+1 ANU 221 Fodder Production and Pasture Management 1+1 AQU 221 Principles of Aquaculture 1+1 15+9 |
SEMESTER 5 ECO 311 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 1+1 EXT 311 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension 2+1 COM 311 Computer Application 0+1 ENT 311 Principles and Practices of Insect-Pest Management 2+1 HRT 311 Agroforestry 2+1 GEN 311 Genetics of Populations 2+0 PLP 311 Introduction to Plant Pathology 2+1 SSC 311 Introductory Soil Conservation and Watershed Management 2+0 ANU 311 Animal Nutrition and Feeding Practices 1+1 PRW 311 Project Work 0+2 14+9 |
SEMESTER 6 AEC 321 Nepalese Agriculture Development and Policy 2+0 EXT 321 Agricultural Communication 2+1 EXT 322 Social Mobilization and Community Development 2+0 ENT 321 Economic Entomology 2+1 HRT 321 Post Harvest Horticulture 2+1 PLP 321 Crop Diseases and Their Management 2+1 ANB 321 Principles and Practices of Animal Breeding 2+1 AGR 311 Organic Agriculture 1+1 PRW 311 Project Work 0+2 15+8 |
SEMESTER 7 AEC 411 Agribusiness Management, Marketing and Cooperatives 2+1 AGR 411 Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture 2+1 AEN 411 Principles and Practices of Farm Water Management 2+1 ANU 411 Mountain Agriculture 1=1 BIT 411 Introductory Biotechnology and Biodiversity 2+0 ECO 411 Agrobiodiversity Management 1+1 ENT 411 Environmental Pollution and Protection 1+0 PRW 311 Project Work 0+2 11+7 |
SEMESTER 8 AEC 421 Agriculture Project Planning 2+1 AEC 422 Agri-Business Management 2+0 AEN 421 Farm Structures and Surveying 2+1 HNU 421 Applied Human Nutrition 2+0 LPM 421 Introduction to Dairy Science 2+1 UPA 412 Undergraduate Practicum Assessment 0+3 10+6 |
Total 167 Credit Hours