Ujjwal shishu Niketan Academy

Ujjwal shishu Niketan Academy

Sahidpath, Panga, Kirtipur, Kathmandu


Ujjwal shishu Niketan Academy” ( USNA) established in 1987 is located in Sahidpath, Panga, Kirtipur , about 5 km southwest of Kathmandu district. The school is situated in peace, hygienic area of very beautiful landscape of the Kathmandu valley, completely free from pollution. The surrounding is helping to develop the sound mind for sound body. The foundation aim of establishment of this academy is to produce the required human manpower to develop imparting quality education.

  • Established 1987 AD
  • private School
  • 01-4330300, 4333529


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Panga Secondary School
  • Sahidpath, Panga, Kirtipur, KathmanduApprox 400m away
Bag Bhairab Boarding High School
Bag Bhairab Boarding High School
  • Kirtipur, KathmanduApprox 600m away
Magus English School
Magus English School
  • Kritipur, Kirtipur, KathmanduApprox 700m away
Janasewa Secondary School Kirtipur
Janasewa Secondary School Kirtipur
  • Panga, Kirtipur, KathmanduApprox 700m away
Kirti Secondary Boarding School
Kirti Secondary Boarding School
  • Nagaun Dobato, Kirtipur, KathmanduApprox 700m away