Shreekhandapur Secondary School

Dhulikhel-8, Shreekhandapur, Dhulikhel, Kavrepalanchok


Established in 2035 BS, Shree Shreekhandapur Secondary School is one of the popular government schools in Kabhre district. It is run by a team of energetic and enthusiastic scholars who are highly qualified with the need of time and generation. The entire school administration, management committee and the teaching staff are devoted to quality education in public school.

Situated in a serene environment of Shreekhandapur on the lap of Kathmandu University, the school has easy access from Dhulikhel, Banepa and Panauti. It is located at a scenery beautiful place surrounded by green hills and rivers (Rudramati and Punyamati). The school has produced 32 SLC batches since 2038 BS. With the affiliation of National Examination Board of Nepal, it has been conducting plus two program in Management since 2066 BS. Presently, there are 242 students in school level and 50 students in plus two level.

The school provides computer education compulsory from grade four to eight. The school takes regular evaluation to improve education. Extra classes are provided to the weak students.



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