Motherland English Boarding School

Motherland English Boarding School

Bharatpur, Chitwan


Motherland English Boarding School (MEBS) was established in 2054. The school has been approved by the District Education Office in Chitwan, Nepal.

The mission of the school is to provide opportunities for comprehensive education. The goals are to improve children's physical health and well-being, as well as their mental growth and development, spiritual and emotional well-being, and, most importantly, character development. The school is working hard to strengthen and expand the institution in all areas.


The objective of the school is to empower students by widening their perspectives and uncovering and developing their latent potential.


A generation of students who can succeed in a highly competitive global environment is what MEBS aims to produce. With the introduction of innovative programs, our goal is to lead the way in education.

  • Established 2054 BS


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