Kisani Secondary School is located in Bima 1 Chautaribot, Myagdi . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs. It also offers scholarships schemes for deserving, hard-working and the underprivileged students of the society. Kishani Secondary School, Myagdi provides Counseling, Multimedia, Extra-curricular Activities (ECA), science lab, Sports, Educational tours, Conference Hall, Conference, Classrooms, and scholarships facilities.
Shree Kisani Secondary School also offers PJTA, Diploma in Agriculture (Animal Science) and Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) programs with affiliation from CTEVT.
Produce human resource for the nation in the field of Agriculture.
Goal/ Objective:
To provide services and help to eliminate poverty from the country.