Kids Learning School

Kids Learning School

Balaju, Kathmandu



Kids Learning School is located in Balaju, Kathmandu. It was established in the year 2008 as a Montessori. Later in 2010 it changes into traditional. It oversees the development of kids learning school.

It is an autonomous private organization. Its objective is to build men and women with leadership qualities an extraordinary, making a difference in the fast changing world of today. Kids Learning School is an independent working unit. 

It aims to provide opportunity to all children, parents and teachers to come together and put forward a platform quality education. We do not believe in forcing education upon children.

The main concern is to provide a more meaningful education to the children to encourage kind of learning which require time for talking problem solving and exploration of idea as we realize that understanding and enquiry have come to be valued over memorization and recall.  

The aim of this school is to give more care and love and make the children feel homely environment It aims at raising new generation equipped to deal with the challenges of the global world we also help our parents balance their busy work and life schedules. 

Children are encouraged and guided to develop their analytical and problem solving skills. So the school arranged tutorial remedial teaching according to the need of each child.

The Ten Values at Kids Learning School

  1. Team work
  2. Ethics
  3. Responsibility
  4. Honesty
  5. Respect
  6. Punctuality
  7. Etiquette
  8. Love
  9. Co-operate
  10. Humanity 


The school believes each child is Unique, Capable, and Curious and in the process of discovering how the world works. The school wants to encourage this natural process by providing the kind of teaching and learning environment that will faster the development of all rounded children. The school's balanced learning curriculum promotes and support children’s in multiple ways, through listening, seeing, hearing, touching and play.

Another important component of the balanced learning curriculum deals with character, understanding concepts like friendship, generosity, and honesty.  The school focuses on individual children’s need and growth and make a difference in children’s lives. 

  • private Institution
  • 01-4360873, 01-2051096


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