Janajyoti Secondary School Sarlahi

Lalbandi, Sarlahi



Jana Jyoti Secondary School Sarlahi is located in Lalbandi, Sarlahi . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs.

Janajyoti Technical School  is affiliated with  CTEVT and is offering Diploma in Computer Engineering program and TSLC program-Junior Computer Technician.

VisionTo produce skilled Technical and vocational work force.

MissionTo provide quality education in the field of computer.

Goal/ Objectives• To provide high quality through the use of effective teaching approaches.• To organize customized training programs in order to empower and ensure sustainable, self motivated to poor woman and disadvantaged community.


Janadhar Ka.Na. Ma Vi
Janadhar Ka.Na. Ma Vi
  • Bramhapuri, Bramhapuri, Sarlahi
Navajanjagaran Secondary School
Navajanjagaran Secondary School
  • Rajghat, Shankarpur, Rajghat, Sarlahi