Holy Vision Technical Campus

Holy Vision Technical Campus

Thapa Gaun, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu


The establishment of Holy Vision Technical Campus has been inspired by twin objectives of producing the middle level health professionals and preparing them for employment on completion of their education and training.

The graduates of this campus will be able to provide quality health care to mainly rural population in all preventive, promotive, curative, drug management and rehabilitative aspects. Among these three programs PCL in Nursing, General Medicine and Diploma in Pharmacy, Nursing program was initiated in 2002 followed by General Medicine program in 2003 and Diploma in Pharmacy program in 2004.

Academic Program

The 3 years academic program of Proficiency Certificate Level in Nursing (Staff Nurse), General Medicine (Health Assistant) and Diploma in Pharmacy are offered and the curriculum prescribed by CTEVT , recognized by Tribhuvan University and approved by Nepal Nursing Council, Nepal Professional Health Council and Nepal Pharmacy Council is followed. The course of study is as follows.

PCL in General Medicine

Subjects 1ST Year

Subjects 2ND Year

Subjects 3RD Year


  1. English
  2. Nepali
  3. Social Studies (Nepal Parichaya)
  4. Anatomy & Physiology
  5. Physics
  6. Chemistry
  7. Zoology
  8. Botany
  9. Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Application


  1. Medicine – I
  2. Surgery – I
  3. Obstetrics/Gynecology
  4. Clinical Pathology
  5. Pharmacy & Pharmacology
  6. Environmental Health
  7. Health Education
  8. PHC/Family Health
  9. Epidemiology & Community Diagnosis
  10. Basic Medical Procedures/First Aid


  1. Medicine – II (Pediatrics, Psychiatry & Dermatology)
  2. Surgery – II ( ENT, Dentistry & Ophthalmology)
  3. Health Management
  4. Comprehensive Clinical Practice (3 months)
  5. Comprehensive Community Field Practice (3 months)

      a)  6 Weeks in Community b)  6 Weeks in PHC/HP attendance

 Excellent Results The results of seventh batch of PCL in General Medicine students are impressive. Out of 39 students, 34 passed with distinction and 5 in first division.

Diploma in Pharmacy

Subjects1ST Year

Subjects 2ND Year

Subjects 3RD Years


  1. English
  2. Nepali
  3. Social Studies (Nepal Parichaya)
  4. Anatomy & Physiology
  5. Physics
  6. Chemistry
  7. Zoology
  8. Botany
  9. Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Application


  1. Pharmaceutics – I
  2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry – I
  3. Pharmacology & Therapeutics – I
  4. Pharmacognosy
  5. Pharmaceutical Management
  6. Biochemistry, Microbiology &  Pathology
  7. Health Education, Health Care System & First Aid



  1. Pharmaceutics – II
  2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry – II
  3. Pharmacology & Therapeutics – II
  4. Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy
  5. Forensic & Community Pharmacy
  6. Pharmacoepidemiology & Environmental   Health
  7. Comprehensive Professional Field  Practice


Excellent Results: The results of sixth batch of Diploma in Pharmacy students are impressive. Out of 37 students, 4 passed with distinction and 24 in first division.

PCL in Nursing Program

Subjects1ST Year

Subjects 2ND Year

Subjects 3RD  Year


  1. English
  2. Nepali
  3. Integrated Science Related to Health
  4. Fundamentals of Nursing (T)
  5. Fundamentals of Nursing (P)
  6. Community Health Nursing – I (T)
  7. Community Health Nursing – I (P)



  1. Nursing Care of Adults – I (T)
  2. Nursing Care of Adults – II (T)
  3. Nursing Care of Adults  (P)
  4. Nursing Care of Children (T)
  5. Nursing Care of Children (P)
  6. Community Health Nursing – II (T)
  7. Nursing Care of Children – II (P)
  8. Nepal Parichaya
  9. Behavioral Science


  1. Leadership and Management (T)
  2. Leadership and Management (P)
  3. Midwifery & Gynecology Nursing – I (T)
  4. Midwifery & Gynecology Nursing – II (T)
  5. Midwifery & Gynecology Nursing – III (T)
  6. Midwifery & Gynecology Nursing – I, II & III (P)


Excellent Results The excellent academic performance of National Vision Nursing Campus in evident from the results of the very first batch of PCL in Nursing (Staff Nurse) students. The results of the eighth batch of students are equally impressive where among 40 students 29 passed in distinction and 11 in first division.

Practical & Community Experience

Practical and field experiences occupy an important place in health education. Himal Hospital is exclusively available for our students for practical experiences. The services available in the hospital include General Medicine, Surgery, Dental, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Gyane & Obst, Neuropsychiatry, Immunization, etc. The hospital also provides diagnostic facilities such as ECG, EEG, Ultra Sonogram and well equipped Pathology Lab. In addition to Himal hospital, the students are taken to Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious disease Hospital, Teku, Bharatpur Hospital, Bharatpur, Bharatpur Eye Hospital, Bharatpur, Martyr's Memorial Hospital, Kalanki, Paropakar Maternity Hospital, Thapathali, Kanti Bal Hospital, Maharajgunj. Gesides these students of Diploma In Pharmacy are taken to pharmaceutical industry (Vijayadeep Laboratories, Harishiddhi) and Banaspati Bivag, Thapathali. Students of PCL in Nursing and General Medicine are taken to different primary health care centers.


  • private School
  • 01-4464845, 01-4783874


KMC School
KMC School
  • Shankhamul Marg, BuddhaNagar, KathmanduApprox 100m away
Innovative English School
Innovative English School
  • Shankhamul, New Baneshwor, KathmanduApprox 100m away
Pacific Academy
Pacific Academy
  • Shankhamul, KathmanduApprox 200m away
Columbus National School
Columbus National School
  • New Baneshwor, KathmanduApprox 200m away
Birat Boarding School
Birat Boarding School
  • Sankhamool, New Baneshwor, KathmanduApprox 300m away