Gauri Shankar Secondary School Bara

Nijgadh, Nijgadh, Bara


Gauri Shankar Secondary School Bara is located in Nijgadh, Bara . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs. The school has recently received affiliation with CTEVT to run Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) program.


Mount Everest Secondary School
Mount Everest Secondary School
  • Simara, BaraApprox 6700m away
Phakira Giri Rajeshwor Giri Secondary School
Phakira Giri Rajeshwor Giri Secondary School
  • Nagaul Jitpur, Nagaul, BaraApprox 7300m away
Nepal Rastriya Secondary School, Jitpur, Bara
Nepal Rastriya Secondary School, Jitpur, Bara
  • Jitpur, Jitpur Simara, BaraApprox 7500m away
Bhoj Bhagat Secondary School
Bhoj Bhagat Secondary School
  • Lipanimal, BaraApprox 12300m away
Delhi Public School, Birgunj
Delhi Public School, Birgunj
  • Lipnimal-8, Lipnimal, BaraApprox 14500m away