
Bachelor Level Entrance Exam: Purbanchal University Faculty of Science and Technology

 · Entrance

Students wishing to enroll in any academic program under Faculty of Science and Technology of Purbanchal University must appear and pass the Bachelor Level Entrance Examination conducted by the university's Faculty of Science and Technology. Faculty of Science and Technology offers various programs grouped into three categories for entrance examination: Samuha KA, Samuha KHA, and Samuha GA.

  1. Under Samuha KA, the available programs include B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, B.V.Sc. & AH., B.Sc. Biotechnology, B.Tech. Biotechnology, Bachelor in Food Technology, B.Sc. Forestry, and B.Sc. Biochemistry.
  2. Samuha KHA includes programs such as BIT and BCA.
  3. Samuha GA offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA) is grouped as Samuha GA. 

To get enrollment in these programs, you have to score a minimum of 33% marks to pass the entrance examination. However, at least 50% marks are necessary for the enrollment in Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry program. 

 At the undergraduate level, students can enroll in the same group in which they have passed the entrance examination. However, students who have passed Group KA' are also allowed to enroll in academic programs that meet the standards of Group KHA.' Additionally, students who have passed the entrance examination for any group under the Faculty of Engineering are eligible to enroll in academic programs under Group 'KHA' of the Faculty of Science and Technology, provided there are vacant seats. 

Exam Date: August 24, 2024 05:15
Normal Fee: Rs. 1,500
Late Fee: Rs. 3,000
Opens at  2024-07-16
Closes at   2024-08-21
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: N/A
Exam Type: Paper-based
Question Type: Objective
Number of Questions: N/A
Negative Marking: N/A

The entrance examination will consist of 100-mark objective multiple choice questions (MCQs), with the inclusion and weightage of subjects varying across Groups KA, KHA, and GA. For details, please refer to the table given below. 

Group A (Samuha KA)

Subject Weightage
English 15
Math 15
Physics 15
Chemistry 20
Biology 35

Group B (Samuha KHA)

Subject Weightage
English 25
Math 15
Basic Computer 35
Aptitude 25

Group C (Samuha GA)

Subject Weightage
English 25
Math 15
Basic Computer 35
Aptitude 25


For Group "KA"

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/B.Sc. Biotechnology / B.Tech. Biotechnology/Bachelor in Food & Dairy Technology/B.Sc. Biochemistry Programs:

  • The Candidate must have passed +2 Science/A level or Equivalent (with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English) from any recognized University with minimum 45% marks or GPA 2.0 in aggregate.

B.V. Sc. & AH. Program:

  • The Candidate must have passed +2 Science/A Level or Equivalent (with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English) from any recognized University with minimum 50% marks or GPA 2.40 in aggregate.
  • The Candidate must have scored minimum C+ or GPA 2.00 in SEE or equivalent.

B.Sc. Forestry

  • The Candidate must have passed +2 Science/A Level or Equivalent with Biology or Mathematics or 3 years Diploma in Forestry from any recognized University with minimum 50% marks or C+ (GPA 2.40) in aggregate.

For Group "KHA"

BCA Program:

  • The Candidate must have passed +2 or Equivalent from any recognized University with minimum 45% marks or minimum D+ grade in each subjects with GPA 2.00 in aggregate.

BIT Program:

  • The Candidate must have passed +2 or Equivalent with a Mathematics subject of 100 marks with D+ grade from any recognized University and minimum 45% marks or D+ grade in each subjects with GPA 2.00 in aggregate.

For Group "GA"

PGDCA Program:

  • The Candidate must have passed graduation with a minimum of 10+2+3 years of education in any stream with minimum 45% marks or GPA 2.00 in Bachelor degree.


Syllabus for Entrance Exam (Bachelors Level)

Subject: English

Unit A:
Phonological questions, dealing with phonemes, Phonemic symbols and word stress

Unit B:
Lexical Questions, dealing with word formations and antonyms, synonyms and one words for many words.

Unit C:
Grammatical Question, dealing with the rest of the items given in the syllabus.

Each Question is of objective type with multiple choice answer which carries marks.


  1. Use of Pronouns
  2. Relative pronouns
  3. Sound
  4. Stress
  5. Intonation
  6. Subject - Verb Agreements
  7. Voice
  8. Narration
  9. Use of tense
  10. Punctuation
  11. Parts of Speech
  12. Causative Verb
  13. Linking Verbs
  14. Use of Prepositions
  15. Sentence Structure
  16. Transformation of Sentences
  17. Conditional Sentences
  18. To infinitive and gerund forms
  19. Question Tag
  20. Synonyms and Antonyms
  21. One Word Substitution
  22. Use of Suffix and Prefix
  23. Word Power
  24. The expression "As IF" and "As Though"
  25. The expression "NEED" and "In Need of"
  26. Idioms and Phrases
  27. Sentences: Simple, Compound and Complex
  28. Affirmative and Negative Agreements
  29. Use of Articles
  30. Analogies

Subject: Mathematics

Set and Functions
Set, Type of Sets, Operation on Sets, Law of Sets, Real Number, Cartesian Product, Relations, Functions and Graphs, Algebraic, Exponential, Trigonometric and Logarithmic, Hyperbolic Function and their Inverse, Basic Properties of Logarithmic Functions

Determinants and its Properties, Matrices, Type of Matrices, Cofactors and Inverse of a Matrix, Uses of Complex Numbers, Polynomial Equation, Sequences and Series, Permutation and Combination, Binomial Theorem, Exponential and Logarithmic Series 

Trigonometric equations and general values, inverse trigonometric relations, inverse circular functions, principal values, properties of triangles, centroid, incentre, orthocenter, and circumcentre and their properties.

Coordinate Geometry
Coordinates in a plane, straight lines, pair of lines, circles, conic sections: parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse, standard equations and simple properties,
coordinates in space, plane, and its equation.

Limit and continuity, derivative and its application, rules of derivative, rate of change, maxima and minima of a function, integration, rules of integration, standard integral, definite integral and its application.

Vectors in space, addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors, unit vectors, linear combination of vectors, scalar and vector product of two vectors, application of vectors.

Subject: Physics

1. Mechanics

  • Dimensions and Error Analysis.
  • Equations of motion.
  • Motion of a projectile.
  • Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of vectors, Resolution of a vector.
  • Relative velocity.
  • Laws of motion, Principle of conservation of linear momentum, Impulse, solid friction.
  • Principle of moment, centre of mass, centre of gravity.
  • Work, power and energy, principle of conservation of energy.
  • Centripetal force and its application.
  • Moment of inertia, Torque on a body, angular momentum and its conservation, work done by couple, kinetic energy of rolling body.
  • Law of gravitation, Gravitational potential, Gravitational field intensity, Escape velocity, Total energy of a satellite, Kepler's law of planetory motion.
  • Characteristics of S.H.M., Energy of a particle exciting S.H.M., Simple pendulum.
  • Elasticity, Stress & Strain, Moduli of elasticity, Energy Stored in a stretched wire.
  • Surface tension of liquid, Surface energy, Capillarity.
  • Viscosity of fluid, coefficient of viscosity, Stoke's law.
  • Terminal velocity, Energy of fluid.

2. Heat

  • Heat and Temperature, Scales of temperature, Thermal equilibrium.
  • Measurement of heat, Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity, Latent heat.
  • Expansion of Solid, liquid and gas.
  • Gas laws, Ideal gas equation.
  • Kinetic theory of gas. Root mean square speed of gas molecules.
  • Transfer of heat, Conduction, Convection and Radiation, Stefen's law, Krichhoff's law.
  • Relative humidity and dew point.
  • First law of thermodynamics, Isothermal and adiabatic processes.
  • Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot's engine, Entropy.

3. Optics

  • Formation of images by plane and curved mirrors.
  • Refraction of light through plane surface, Refractive index, Critical angle, Total internal reflection.
  • Refraction through lenses, Achromatic combination of two lenses.
  • Visual angle, Angular magnification, Microscope and Telescope.
  • Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of light.

4. Sound

  • Damped and forced oscillation, Resonance, progressive waves, principle of superposition.
  • Velocity of Sound in solid, liquid and gas, Laplaces correction.
  • Beat phenomena.
  • Doppler effect.
  • Stationary waves, waves in pipe, waves in string.

5. Electricity

  • Electric charge, Electrostatic induction, Surface charge density.
  • Electric field, Electric potential, Electric field intensity, Gauss's law and its applications.
  • Capacitors, Dielectric Strength.
  • Metallic Conduction, Ohm's law, Resistance, Conductance, Resistivity, Conductivity, Combination of resistance.
  • Emf, Potential difference, internal resistance of a cell, Combination of cells.
  • Heating effect of Current, Joule's law, Electric power.
  • Kirchhoff's law and its application.
  • Galvanometer, Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter.
  • Earth's magnetism.
  • Magnetic field, Magnetic flux, Force on Current Carrying Conductor, Biot-Savart's law and their applications. Ampere's law.
  • Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law and Lenz's law, Emf in rotating coil.
  • AC circuits.

6. Atomic Physics

  • Discharge of electricity through gases, Cathode rays, Electronic mass and charge
  • Bohr's theory of atomic model, Energy level diagram.
  • X-rays, Photoelectric effect
  • Radioactivity, Decay law, Half-life period.
  • Nuclear fission and fusion.
  • Semiconductors, junction diode.

Subject: Chemistry

1. States of Matter

  • The gas laws (Boyle's law Charle'law, combined gas law)
  • Kinetic molecular theory of gases
  • Ideal and real gases.
  • Vander Waal's Equation.
  • Properties of liquid
  • Solutions
  • Concentration of solutions
  • Saturated, unsatured and super satured solutions.
  • Solubility and its determination
  • Efflorescence and Deliquescence
  • Water of crystallization

2. Atomic Structure

  • Fundamentals particles and their discovery.
  • Thomson's Atomic Model, Rutherford's Atomic model
  • Atomic number and Mass number.
  • Composition of an atom.
  • Isotopes and isobars.
  • Bohr's atomic model
  • de Broglie's Relation.
  • Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
  • Quantum mechanical model of atom.
  • Atomic orbitals.
  • Quantam number.
  • Pauli's Exclusion principle.
  • Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity.
  • Aufball principle and electronic configuration of elements.

3. Oxidation and Reduction

  • Classical concept of oxidation.
  • Electronic concept of oxidation and Reduction.
  • Qxdising and Reducing agents.
  • Oxidation number
  • Redox reactions and Electrolysis.

4. Periodic Table

  • Mendeleev's periodic table
  • Advantage and Defect of Mendeleev's periodic table.
  • Modern periodic law.
  • Long form of periodic table.
  • Features of Long form of periodic table
  • Defects of Long form of periodic table
  • Grouping of Elements into Blocks.
  • Bohr's classification of elements
  • Periodic properties and their periodic trends.
  • Atomic radius, Iconic radius, Ionization enerry,
  • Electron affinity and Elctronegativity

5. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Ozone and Water

  • Position of Hydrogen in the periodic table.
  • Preparation and properties of hydrogen, Isotopes of hydrogen
  • Position of oxygen in periodic table
  • Preparation and properties of oxygen.
  • Oxides.
  • Structure of Ozone, Ozone layers and its depletion.
  • Composition of water and structure of water.
  • Properties of water
  • Hard and soft water and its removal.
  • Heavy water.
  • Properties and uses of heavy water.

6. Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbon

  • Definition of organic chemistry and organic compound.
  • Vital force theory and its limitation.
  • Tetra valency and catenation property of carbon.
  • Functional group and homologous, series
  • Meaning of empirical, molecular, structural and contracted formula.
  • Qualitative analysis of organic compounds
  • IUPAC naming of organic compounds
  • Structural isomerism and its type.
  • Concept of homolytic fission Heterohytie fission electrophiles nuleophiles and inductive effect
  • Preparation of alkynes and its properties with H2, X2, HX, H2O, 03, H2SO4+, Baeyer's reaction.
  • Acidic nature, Action with ammonical AgNO3 with alkaline KMnO4 and polymerization reaction.

7. Volumetric Analysis and Ionic Equilibrium

  • Acidimetry and aclkalimectry
  • Equivalent mass of compounds
  • Expressing concentration interms of Normality, Morality and Molality
  • Principles of volumetric analysis
  • Theory of chemical indicators and selection of indicators
  • Classification of Electrolytes
  • Arrhenius Theory of Ionization
  • Ionisation of water, solubility product and communion effect
  • Arrhernius concept of acid and base
  • Bronsted concept of acid and base

8. Aldehydes and Ketones

  • Preparation of aldehydes and ketones from dehydrogenation and oxidation of alcohol, ozonolysis of alkene, caralytic hydration of alkynes
  • Physical properties of aldelydes and Ketones.
  • Chemical properties-Addition reaction, reaction with H2, HCN, NaHSO3, Grignard reagents NH2-NH2, Phenyl-hydrazine, semicarbazide and 2,4-DNP.
  • Reduction properties of aldehyde-oxidation with Tollens reagent, Fehling solution
  • Aldol condensation clemennson's reduction Wolf-Kishner reduction Action with PCLs
  • Preparation of benzaldehyde from Toluene
  • Chemical Properties-Perkin condensation, Bcenzoin condensation, Cannizzaro's reaction

9. Iron

  • Occurrence and extraction
  • Varities of iron preparation of iron.
  • Manufacture of steel by-Bessemer process and open hearth process
  • Heat treatment of Steel.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Rusting of iron and its prevention
  • Biological importance of iron
  • Structure and uses of green vitrol, Ferric chloride, Mohr's salt.

Subject: Biology

Unit 1: Bio-molecules and Cell Biology
Bio-molecules: Carbohydrate, protein, liquid, nucleic acid and minerals.
Cell Biology: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell organelles, cell division (amitosis, mitosis and meiosis).

Unit 2: Biodiversity
Concepts on taxonomy (definition, nomenclature and classification)
Monera: Bacteria and Nostoc.
Mycota: General characters of Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes; economic importance of fungi; morphology and reproduction of Mucor and Yeast.
Plantae: General characters of algae (green, brown and red), bryophyta, pteridophyta, gymnosperm and angiosperm; morphology and reproduction of Spirogrra, Marchantia, Funaria, Pteridium, Cycas and Pinus; distribution of pinus in Nepal; morphology and taxonomy of Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Papilionaceae and Poaceae; structure and economic importance of Lichens and Virus.
Protista: General characters and classification of Protozoa; habit, habitat, structure and reproduction of paramecium and prasmodium.
Animalia: General characters and classification (upto class) of porifera, Coelenterata (Cnidaria), Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes (Nema-theminthes), Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata; Earthworm (structure; digestive, circulatory, Earthworm (structure; digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive and nervous systems), Frog (structure; digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urino genital, reproductive and nervous systems)

Unit 3: Biota and their Environment
Ecolory (definition, ecological factors and their interactions); structure and functional aspects (food chain and food web, trophic level, ecological pyramids) of pond and grassland ecosystems; concepts of community and successions; nitrogen cycle, acid rain, green house effects, depletion of ozone layer; forests of Nepal, meaning of rare, threatened, vulnerable and endangered species; national parks, wildlife reserves and hunting reserves of Nepal

Unit 4: Anatomy and Physiology of Organisms
Concepts on plant and animal tissues, internal structure of dicot and monocot stems and roots, secondary growth on dicot stem; osmosis, diffusion, water absorption, transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration, growth hormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins), concept on plant movement.

Unit 5: Genetics
Genetic materials: DNA (composition, structure and replication), RNA (types with functions); genetic code, Mendel's laws of inheritance, concept of incomplete dominance and co-dominance, epistasis, polygenic inheritance (skin colour in men), pleotropic gene, linkage and crossing over, sex linked inheritance (colour blindness in man), mutation and polyploidy.

Unit 6: Developmental Biology
Angiosperms (asexual reproduction, development of male and female gametophytes, pollination and fertilization)

Unit 7: Human Biology and Health
Nutrition, digestion, respiration, circulation (blood groups and Rh-factor, heart structure and action), arterial and venous systems, excretion and osmoregulation; functions of endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreitic and adrenal glands); reproduction; structure and functions of eye and ear; human disease (drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking, typhoid, AIDS, cancer)

Unit 8: Application of Biology
Biotechnology (branches, applications in agriculture, medicine, industries, conservation, etc.), tissue culture (types, methods: sterilization, composition of
medium and its preparation); plant breeding; green manure; concept on antibiotics and vaccines; amniocentesis and test tube baby; genetic engineering (definition, tools, steps, applications); methods and applications of alcohol and antibiotics fermentation.

Subject: Computer Fundamental

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer

  • Characteristics, applications, and components of computer
  • Classification of computer based on purpose, size and technology

Unit 2: Basic Computer Organization and Computer Peripherals

  • Block diagram of computer system
  • Input devices: Keyboard, mouse, and other types of input devices
  • output devices: Monitor, printer, and other types of output devices

Unit 3: Computer Storage

  • Concepts of memory and requirements of storage devices
  • Classification and types of storage devices
  • ROM and RAM with their types
  • Magnetic devices and Optical devices

Unit 4: Computer Software

  • Introduction and types of software
  • Definition and functions of operating system
  • Programming languages and their types

Unit 5: Introduction to Database

  • Meaning of data and information
  • Concepts and characteristics of database and DBMS

Unit 6: Networks and Internet

  • Introduction and uses of network
  • Types and topologies of network
  • Introduction, features and applications of Internet
  • Concepts of intranet and extranet
  • Network media and network software
  • WWW, E-mail, E-commerce, web site
  • Web browsing, net surfing, chatting, using e-mails
  • Computer crime, viruses and tlereats
  • Cyber law and ethical issues

Unit 7: Computer Hardware

  • Motherboard and its parts, slots, daughterboard, and expansion slots
  • BIOS, CMOS, and Microprocessor
  • Utilities and application software, customizing software

Unit 8: Basics of Windows and User Interface

  • Using mouse and moving icons on the screen
  • The My Computer icon, the Recycle Bin icon, Status Bar, Start button, Menu Bar
  • Opening, closing and running an application
  • Using Windows Explorer to view files, folders and directories
  • Creating and renaming files and folders
  • Windows settings: control panel, wallpapers, screensavers, date and time, sound
  • Advanced features: using right mouse button, shortcuts, notepad, accessories

Unit 9: Basic DOS Commands

  • Comparison of DOS and Windows, External and Internal Commands

Unit 10: Word Processing

  • Basics: opening and closing documents, saving documents, page setup, printing, scrolling around a document
  • Text manipulation and formatting: text selection, cut, copy and paste, font, Bold, Italic and Underline, text alignment, line and paragraph setting, changing font, size and color, bullets and numbering, changing case
  • Table manipulation: drawing and inserting table, changing cell width and height, alignment of text in cell, inserting and deleting rows and columns, table borders

Unit 11: Spreadsheets

  • Basics: opening and closing of spreadsheet, multiple sheets, Menu Bar, cell inputting, cell addressing
  • Manipulation of cells: entering texts, creating tables, setting cell width and height, copying of cells
  • Formulas: sum, average, percentage, and other basic functions
  • Preparing invoices/budgets, totaling of transactions, maintaining daily and monthly reports

Unit 12: Presentations

  • Basics: opening a PowerPoint presentation, using Wizard, to create a presentation
  • Slide presentation: title, text, picture, table, font color and font size, bullets and indenting, slide design, background, slide numbering, slide show, slide animation, slide sorting, printing slide

Subject: Aptitutde

  1. Sentence Completion
  2. Analogies
  3. Word Groups
  4. Logical Reasoning
  5. Deduction
  6. Numerical Computation
  7. Numerical Estimation
  8. Numerical Reasoning
  9. Percentage, Ratio and Proportion
  10. Data Interpretation
  11. History of Nepal
  12. Geography of Nepal
  13. General Information of PU

Past Questions

Model questions (Biology)

1. Which cell organelle is called suicidal bag of the cell?
a. Mitochondria b. Chloroplast c. Lysosome d. Ribosome

2. Coenocytic mycelium is found in
a. Mucor b. Yeast c. Spirogyra d. Alternaria

3. Cruciform corolla is found in
a. Mustard b. Pea c. Sunflower d. Maize

4. Which of the following structure helps in reproduction in Paramecium?
a. Macronucleus b. Micronucleus c. Food vacuole d.Contractile vacuole

5. In which of the segment female genital aperture in earthworm is situated?
a. 14
b. 15
c. 17
d. 18

6. Pyramid of biomass in pond ecosystem is
a. Upright b. Inverted c. Both a and b d. None of these

7. The largest national park of Nepal is
a. Chitwan b. Shey Phoksundo c. Bardia d. Langtang

8. Which one of the following components of xylem is living?
a. Tracheid b. Vessel c. Xylem parenchyma d. Xylem fibre

9. ABO blood group system in human is an example of......
a. Incomplete dominance b. Co-dominance c. Epistasis d. Linkage

10. How many sex chromosomes are present in a human cell?
a.46 b. 44 c. 22 d. 2

11. How many meiotic divisions are required to produce 100 seeds (zygotes)? a. 125 b. 100 c. 50 d. 25

12. Name the disease caused due to deficiency of iodine
a. Hyponatremia b. Goitre c. Rickets d. Osteomalacia

13. How many pairs of cranial nerves are are present in man?
a. 12 b. 31  c. 40 d. 10

14. Which one of the following plant is extensively used as green manure in
a. Crotalaria juncea b. Brassica campestris c. Solanum nigrum d. Zea mays

15. The vectors used in genetic engineering are
a. Plasmids b. Cosmids c. Bacteriophages d. All of these

Instructions for Entrance Examination Candidates

  1. Candidates appearing for the examination must bring their printed admit card and an original identification document (citizenship card/driver's license/national identity card/voter ID card). For foreign nationals, an original passport or another original identification document is mandatory.
  2. Candidates arriving more than 30 minutes late after the commencement of the entrance examination will not be allowed to participate in the examination.
  3. Candidates cannot bring prohibited items such as books, notes, cheat sheets, mobile phones, smartwatches, programmable calculators, purses, pocket computers, etc. into the examination hall. However, candidates are permitted to use a basic scientific calculator.
  4. Candidates must write on the answer sheet using only the gel pen prescribed by the university.
  5. While taking the examination, if candidates need to do rough work, they can do so on the question booklet itself. No erasing is allowed on the answer sheet. Candidates must carefully fill in their name, roll number, and signature in the correct place on the answer sheet. If any mistake occurs, a new answer sheet will not be provided for any reason.
  6. Candidates are not allowed to ask the invigilators any questions related to the questions.
  7. Candidates are not allowed to leave their seat or the examination hall before 1 hour after the commencement of the examination.
  8. Candidates must compulsorily submit both the question booklet and the answer sheet.