Bachelor in Travel and Tourism Management

Bachelor in Travel and Tourism Management

4 years
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Fee (Tentative)Starting NPR 300,000

To study BTTM at Tribhuvan University, students must pass the CMAT exam, and to get scholarships, you have to secure competitive marks. You can prepare for CMAT by enrolling yourself in CMAT Preparation class run by Edusanjal. 

Prepare CMAT Now

Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM) is a Four years' full time semester system course of Tribhuvan University, designed to produce professional human resource for the dynamically growing travel and tourism sector of Nepal. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to handle international tourist service operations including, handling, managing and planning tour, trek and rafting programs; domestic and international air ticketing; appreciate tourism development planning; implement sustainable tourism management policies; and be able to purser further advanced course in travel and tourism management.

The BTTM programme has been designed to prepare the students to enter the hospitality industry as middle management level employees and to serve in travel and tourism sectors. Upon completion of the course the students;  

  1. Will have gained an understanding of travel and tourism and its operation both theoretically  and practically;
  2. Will be able to handle function of international tourist service operations including handling, managing and planning tours, treks and rafting programme and handling domestic and international air ticketing;
  3. Will be able to apprehend and appreciate tourism marketing, toursim development  planning, management and measurement,
  4. Will be able to pursue further (advanced) course in travel and tourism management;
  5. Will develop an entrepreneur skill in the travel and tourism industry.


BTTM course offers comprehensive and invaluable exposure to all aspects of tourism and for this, innovative techniques likes specified lectures, case preparations/study, group discussion, problem solving exercises, audio-visual interpretations, seminars, guest lecturer, practical work, book review, industrial attachment, field work/investigations and so forth are used for effective teaching and highlight effective management practices. Leading and experienced personal from different sectors of tourism are regularly invited to the college to interact with the students and supplement the taught program.


ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSIONStudents who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examinations from recognized academic institute with second division (securing 45% and above) or 1.8 CGPA are eligible to enroll in this program. Student English as a full paper at 10+2 or equivalent level. 

SELECTION PROCEDURECandidates will be required to appear for Tribhuvan University's Central Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) and interview. CMAT consist of verbal ability, quantitative ability, logical reasoning, and general awareness. 

Click here to know details about the CMAT test. 

Merit List

Admissions of the students in BIM program of Tribhuvan University will be strictly on the basis of merit  list. Merit list is prepared on the basis of:

  1. 50% of CMAT Entrance examination 
  2. 30% of marks secured in percentage in plus two or equivalent 
  3. 10% Group Discussion 
  4. 10% Interview 

Admission Criteria


BTTM मा प्रत्येक क्याम्पस/ कलेजले तोकिएको संख्यामा प्रति सेक्सन विद्यार्थी भर्ना गर्दै आएकोमा प्रवेश परीक्षा  (CMAT) मा सम्मिलित भई भर्नाका लागि योग्य ठहरिएका विद्यार्थीहरुबाट अनिवार्य रुपमा आवेदन आव्हान गरि प्रति सेक्सन २ (दुई) जना विद्यार्थीहरुलाई क्याम्पस/कलेजले उठाउने कूल रकम (Total Amount) बाट पचास प्रतिशत छात्रवृत्ति उपलब्ध गराउनु पर्ने छ । छात्रवृत्ति कोटामा विद्यार्थी भर्ना देहायको प्राथमिकता क्रमको आधारमा योग्यताक्रम अनुसार छनौट गर्नु पर्नेछ ः– 

क) नेपालका सामुदायिक मा.वि. बाट प्रवेशिका र सामुदायिक उच्च मा.वि. बाट दश जोड दुई परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

ख) नेपालको सामुदायिक उच्च मा.वि. बाट दश जोड दुई परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

ग) नेपालका सामुदायिक मा.वि. बाट प्रवेशिका परीक्षा उत्तिर्ण गरेको ।

Curricular Structure

The BTTM programme is spread over a period of 8 semesters . 

Syllabus: BTTM First Semester Syllabus.pdf 

Model Questions: 

BHM and BTTM First Semester Model Questions.pdf 

Model Questions BTTM First Semester Computer and Information Technology.pdf 

Model Question BTTM and BHM First Semester English.pdf 

Model Questions BTTM Second Semester Tourism and Hospitality Accounting.pdf 

Four -year  Course Cycle BTTM


First Semester

Credit Hour

English 3
Fundamentals of Travel and Tourism Management 3
Tourism Economics(Micro/Macro) 3
Principles of Management 3
Computer and Information Technology 3

Second Semester

Business Communication 3
Travel Service Operations Management –I 3
Tourism in Nepal 3
Tourism  and Hospitality Accounting 3
Hospitality Operations and Management 3

Third Semester

Eco-Tourism 3
Business Finance 3
Travel Service Operations Management-II 3
Air Travel Operations 3
Language-I(French/Chinese/Spanish) 3

Fourth Semester

Tourism Marketing 3
Human Resource Management for Tourism 3
Language-II(French/Chinese/Spanish) 3
Culture and Social Psychology for Tourism 3
Destination Development Management 3
E-Tourism 3

Fifth Semester

Statistics 3
Entrepreneurship in Travel and Tourism 3
Sustainable Tourism Development 3
Airlines Ticketing GDS 3
Tourism geography 3
Tour Guiding and Escorting Skills 3

Sixth Semester

Adventure Tourism 3
Tourism Planning and Policies 3
Air Cargo Management 3
Nepalese Society and Politics 3
Event Management (Office  Tourism) 3

Seventh Semester

Industrial Attachment(6 month in Travel agent/Trekking Agency/Airlines) 12
Project report 3

Eight Semester

Tourism Legislation 3
Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism 3
Culture heritage and Religion  Tourism 3
Elective –I 3
Elective –II 3




Tourism and Aviation  
Tourism for Peace and Progress  
Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism  
Airlines Operation Management  
Visitor Management  
Food and Beverage Service