United Technical College

United Technical College

Bharatpur, Chitwan

Established in 2066 BS, United Technical College is affiliated to Pokhara University and located in Bharatpur, Chitwan.


United Technical College is an engineering college located in Bharatpur, Chitwan. It was established in 2066 B.S. and is affiliated with Pokhara University. United Technical College has long-term expectations to prepare itself as a human resources-producing institution in the field of engineering technology at different levels, such as bachelor and master programs in different disciplines. 

Since its establishment, the youths from outside the valley region have taken full advantage and are continually enrolling in different engineering disciplines offered by the college.

It caters to bachelor-level engineering programs in Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering. It also looks after the academic areas of consultancy services, research, and developmental activities in the engineering field.

The college also provides Masters-level programs in Construction Management and Transportation Management.


The vision of the U-TEC is to move forward as the center of higher education, by improving on intellectual capacity through activities in scientific and technical education, research and outreach.

It strives to serve as valuable resources for fulfilling demand of  quality  technical human resources in the area of civil services, industry and society; and remain a source of pride for the Nation and contribute in economic growth of the country  by producing  quality technical human resources.


  • To provide students best opportunities and environment of learning and help them to attain high level of academic quality, scientific aspiration, technical and self-employment professional competence and skills.
  • To prepare and train students to serve the society and the people, enhance the design quality of engineering works and improve the life and to comprehend the need for ethical standards in personal, social and public life.
  • To help the students  to conduct  different types of research in engineering,  write research reports and  prepare  papers for presenting  in  conferences and seminars  in engineering and technology related  issues of national  and public interest.
  • To train the students for providing necessary technical and consultancy services as demanded by the government, private sectors, NGOs and INGOs.
  • To enhance the knowledge and practical skills of the students by providing training in latest job oriented technology.


  • To produce engineering human resources in the field of engineering from bachelor to master levels in the different engineering discipline.
  • To conduct different types of research studies, conferences and seminars in the issues of national interests on engineering sectors with mobilizing wide partnership.
  • To provide necessary technical and consultancy services as demanded by the government of Nepal, private sectors, NGOs and INGOs.


  • Academic integrity and accountability.
  • Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual.
  • Attention to issues of national relevance as well as of global concern.
  • Breadth of understanding, including knowledge of the human sciences.
  • Appreciation to intellectual excellence and creativity.
  • An unfettered spirit of exploration, rationality and enterprise.