BBM, BCA, BBS and MBS (Affiliated to Tribhuvan University) | Syllabus, Eligibility, Cost, Scope

December 13, 2023

United College (UC) is strategically situated in Kumaripati, Lalitpur. Its inception aimed to deliver business studies and humanities courses with a rigorous and scientific approach. Nestled in an unparalleled setting, the college, affiliated with Tribhuvan University, provides programs such as Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), and Master of Business Studies (MBS). In this video, Mahesh Aryal, Program Director of United College, discusses the diverse range of programs available at the institution. He outlines the curriculum for each program, delves into prospective career opportunities for students who pursue these courses, and reveals eligibility criteria, costs, and the scholarships accessible to students. Learn more about (program) in (college):