Yala Newa International School

Tikhedewal, Lalitpur


Yala Newa International School is a Nepal Bhasa-medium school located in Tikhedewal.  It is a Montessori School with Multilingual System established in 2008 A.D in Lalitpur, to give better education through mother tongue. 

In the process of human growth, mother tongue is the first language that any child starts to listen during communication. In the process of learning, the freedom of language is the vital support for a child. 

After the establishment of this school , more than a dozen of the Newa schools have been established and more than hundred schools have been taught Newa Language as a subject.

The school believes that to learn something, clear understanding is a must and for the clear understanding freedom of language is a must. A child can learn and stay easy when there is no restriction of languages inside the school environment. 

Many years of Yala Newa International School's experiment has found much improvement in the development of child psychology while learning in mother tongue. The school has proved that a mother tongue based preliminary academic education makes a child more active and confident in study as well as other performances. 

Yala Newa Int”l Schoolis established in 2008A.D to give better education through mother tongue. To preserve mother tongue and to remove the difficulties in the education because of the language, grown up Newa schools in the country. More than half dozen of the Newa schools have been established and more than fifty schools have been taught Newa Language as a subject.


The mission of Yala Newa International school is to give better education through mother tongue and  to preserve mother tongue (i.e. Nepal Bhasa).

  • Established 2008 A.D.
  • private Institution
  • 01-5535882, 9851065168


Rato Bangala School
Rato Bangala School
  • Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur
Nightangale School
Nightangale School
  • Kupandole, Lalitpur
Himalayan International Ideal School
Himalayan International Ideal School
  • Bhanimandal, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
Naya Sristi School
Naya Sristi School
  • Bishal Chowk, Nakhipot Road, Lalitpur