Established in 1957 (2014 B.S.), Siddha Secondary School is a renowned co-educational institution in Pokhara. Initially located in Banpale, Pokhara-15, the school now resides in Phalepatan, Pokhara-15. The school offers 10+2 programs in Management and Education streams in affiliation to National Education Board (NEB). Spanning an open area of 18 ropani, the school is easily accessible from all parts of the city.
SIddha Secondary School prides itself on fostering a close-knit community that blends a strong academic tradition with a genuine atmosphere of harmony, hard work, and mutual support. Dedicated to cultivating wisdom through quality education, the school emphasizes personalized teaching, fostering strong relationships between teachers and students.
With a proud heritage, outstanding programs, and distinguished faculty, Siddha Secondary School has evolved into an academic hub addressing the challenges of today’s global society. Committed to excellence, the school leverages the latest resources and technology to help students achieve their educational goals.