Shree Secondary School Udayapur

Aamsal, Chaudandigadi, Udayapur



Shree Secondary School Udayapur is located in Chindring Khola, Barre, Udayapur. This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs. Recently the school has received affiliation from CTEVT to run a Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) and a Pre-Diploma in Computer Engineering.


Modern Institute of Health Science
Modern Institute of Health Science
  • Triyuga Municipality-2, Gaighat, Triyuga, Triyuga, Udayapur
Than Pokhari Secondary School
Than Pokhari Secondary School
  • Jamirejhor, Udayapur
Shree Secondary School (Siwai, Tehrathum)
Shree Secondary School (Siwai, Tehrathum)
  • Siwai, Chaudandigadi, Udayapur
Triyuga Secondary School
Triyuga Secondary School
  • Gaighat, Udayapur